Tattoos are fantastic. They’re a beautiful and unique way to express yourself or commemorate a special person or event. Loved ones use ink as artistic therapy, as a timeless reward, and as a way to stand out from the crowd. I got a tattoo when I turned 18 but now I’m a mom, and I’m ready to get some skin art to honor my son. But wait a minute: how do you go about that?! Here’s a real simple guide to getting tattoos… when you have kids. Continue reading
Author: The Mama (Page 13 of 33)
I'm Sarah, a thirty-something music teacher who now is blessed to stay at home with my two lovebugs. I've been passionate about prenatal care, childbirth, and attachment parenting since my first child was born, and now I aim to help other new parents be as educated as possible! You can also find me as a published author at
You'll see that we've gotten backyard chickens and we adore our feathered girls! I write basic content for new chicken owners to help families see that getting a flock of your own is fantastic and fun, for you and your kids. You'll see my egg-laying girls on my YouTube channel, along with toy reviews and other videos, at
Thanks for stopping by, and email me at if you have any comments or suggestions.
Good morning my dear readers. Today marks the final component in my “Series of Letters Between Mom Friends” segment with the brilliant and honest Marie of Create Balance. We’ve been going back and forth all month discussing some pretty heavy shit, in regards to parenting a child in our society and our world. Please see her eloquent response below in regards to how to protect my child from the world, and some fantastic parenting advice in general. Continue reading
Welcome back – this week is Part Three in my four-part series of letters with Marie Levey-Pabst of Create Balanced Life. We’re having a real honest discussion about some of the shitty things our young kids have been through, and how we can protect our chid. I’m focusing on “Where do we find that balance of mitigating a situation with our child, or letting them go through it on their own?” Read on and enjoy. Continue reading
Last week, you read my letter to Marie, my brilliant insightful friend who has two children like I do. I reached out to her in a desperate effort to see if I was really alone in this scramble to protect my child from the world, and its assholes. While my particular situation involved gender stereotypes, there are many issues our children will inevitably face in this world. Now please enjoy Marie’s response in the second letter of our Letters Between Mom Friends series.
My dear friend, you are very much not alone. Sometimes I think that my worries and fears for my children’s physical safety gets outweighed by my fear for their emotional safety. As fellow teachers, you and I both know how people can surprise us with kindness, but can also break our hearts with their cruel treatment of others. I think this is especially true of children who sometimes try out the cruelness of adults as part of figuring out who they are. Of course, we want to shield our children from this reality as long as we can. I too have tried to mitigate situations to prolong this shield, much as it sounds like you were with the pink butterfly backpack (which, I agree with you, is totally adorable!). I too struggle with the balance – how much do I mitigate the situation, and how much to do I let it run its course so my children can learn to stand up as who they are in this moment?
I still vividly remember sending my son off to kindergarten. My spouse and I weren’t sure how he was going to do. He was a quiet kid in preschool who rarely joined in with the superhero play that filled the preschool classroom. He was far more happy to build trains or do art on his own. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen when he entered a world of children that had different experiences from our own, ranging from rough play with older siblings, to movies we don’t watch because they scare my son, to prejudice we had yet to experience in our cozy co-op preschool.
He shocked us all when, half-way through the year, it was clear that our son was putting himself in charge of things. After school on the playground other children would look to him to think up the game, or we would hear about how he led something at school.
In those years between kindergarten and now – he is seven, and in second grade – I’ve had the privilege of watching him start to figure out social norms. I wish I could tell you it’s been smooth sailing, or that I’ve simply watched him come into his own personality. But the truth is, he is trying to figure out what actions, ideas, and persona fit him, fit in with social norms at school, and fit into our family dynamics.
It’s as messy as it sounds.
One minute he is all in with swordplay, using his hand or a stick to pretend to chop someone to pieces. The next minute he is telling me, in a soft scared voice, that he changed his mind about the gift he wants to give his teacher because he thinks she or the other kids might laugh at him (he wanted to give her Smarties, because she said she liked them at Halloween, but then felt like that looked silly compared to what other kids gave her the week leading up to Christmas).
My son will play-act with blood and death at the playground in ways that make me cringe and want to scream. Then he will tell me that he makes it a point to listen carefully (read: eavesdrop) on all the adult conversations he hears so that he can “understand everything”.
I’m starting to believe that growing up is just a huge mix of contradictions. And, when I’m honest with myself, I think that pretty well describes adulthood too.
So, I feel like we’ve made an interesting transition with parenting our son: We’ve gone from protecting our son from assholes to trying hard to keep him from acting an asshole as he figures out his place in the world. There is plenty that is not working, and that worries me, like his excitement about swordplay or how quick he is to say he doesn’t like someone because he doesn’t like one thing they said to him.
There is also plenty that is working, as he continues to be a strict rule-follower and still loves to play family and build elaborate imaginative scenarios with his sister. And, while he is an asshole sometimes, I can’t remember him ever being outwardly being an asshole because of a prejudice that he learned at school.
I’m not sure about you, but I wasn’t surprised by the wave of #MeToo accusations against men in power. Frankly, to me, the only surprise is that some of those men are actually being held to account. For most of my life, I’ve seen the power of toxic masculinity, and take its toll on men, women, and non-binary folks alike. With my daughter, I feel more confident in modeling and teaching her how to resist a system that would see her as inferior in some ways.
But with my son, I’ve felt the tension between wanting to protect him from a world that may brand him as a “sissy” but also want to remind him not to get sucked into an identity that is centered around holding power over others. He is a white male – it’s pretty darn easy for him to look around and assume that most people in power look like him and that is just the way it is. As he gets older my spouse and I are learning that our job as parents is to provide the occasional shield from the outer world, as well as nurturing nudges in the direction of compassion, kindness, and empathy.
Most days that feels like balancing on a narrow beam – with far too little sleep or patience. Ya know . . . . like most of parenting.
So no, you are certainly not alone. What I want to know is, as our children step out more and more from that shield of family and home, how do we help them navigate that world with their compassion and kindness intact, even if their innocence must dissolve a bit simply because they are growing up? What does that look like when many of the people around us may not have the same values as us, even if while we are all part of the same community?
I’m really looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
If you missed the first letter in the series, you can read it here.
And please let us know your thoughts in the comments. This dialogue needs to happen between parents, and it needs to be ongoing! I will do everything that I can to help you learn how to protect your child.
More and more families are jumping onto the bandwagon of having backyard chickens. And it makes perfect sense: chickens are affordable, enjoyable, and productive little pets! But the biggest question I get asked about my feathered girls is “How much work are they to take care of?” So in real simple fashion, here is a breakdown of our usual chicken chores. Look for the video at the end of the article! Continue reading
Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading
If you’re reading this, Happy New Year! Hell yeah 2018! (Mostly because it’s not 2017.)
And hey, bravo you for being able to read something at all on New Year’s Day! Either you’re a trooper with hangovers, or you’re lame like me and are in bed by 10pm on New Year’s Eve because, um, I’m a parent and my kids don’t give a damn what day or what year it is, they’ll be up by 7am. *cue kazoo sound*
But seriously, Happy New Year to all of my readers old and new. I raise my cold cup of coffee to you and your family, and wish you the best year yet!
And if you are one of those New Year’s resolution writers like I am, check out my down-to-earth post for how parents can write – and stick to – some realistic goals for 2018.
I’ll see you around the interwebs, my friend. And feel free to contact me if you’re needing help with something, from teething to weaning to crazy kid-ness. I’ll tell you what I know, and I’ll get info from people who are smarter than I am!
Happy New Year, y’all!
Happy (almost) new year! Maybe you consider yourself to be a “resolutions”-driven person; maybe not. I like to think of the new year as a jumping-off point for some new things I want to improve upon. 2017 certainly was a year of growth for me, both professionally and personally! I’m now a runner (sort of), I’ve gotten more love and less B.S. going in my life, and I’m finally becoming best friends with myself. I don’t want to waste any more time pretending, or only being me part of the time.
So I’m resharing a post I did a year ago about how to write resolutions. We’re moms who are realistic: we have limited resources, time, money, and sanity. So a lot of goals and resolutions may seem impossible, ridiculous, or like “Yeah let’s not even pretend that’s gonna happen.”
Here, I’ll help you think about what you want to do in 2018, whether it’s get more involved in local politics or get to know yourself better.
And of course, share this out so that us moms can help support each other with our new endeavors! It’s never too late to be a better you, whatever that means in your heart.
Find my Resolutions for a Realistic Mom post here!
Merry Christmas everyone! From me and mine here in South Texas, wherever you may be.
The shopping is done, the presents are opened, and the cooking is hopefully being done by someone else. I hope that you’re enjoying a beautiful day surrounded by the people you choose to love.
No funny stuff here, just well wishes to have a fantastic Christmas, full of love.