Congratulations! You’re having a baby. How exciting!!!! I’m sure that everyone is flooding your mind’s inbox with tons of ideas and suggestions of stuff you just GOTTA have for you and the baby. While I have my own opinions of those things and what you really do (and don’t) need, this is not that post. I am teaching you what underrated – sometimes random – items you should add to your registry, or get for yourself before your baby arrives. These things are meant to make your life easier so that you can rest and admire that gorgeous little squish you grew! Read on for my list of the most underrated items for new moms! Continue reading
Author: The Mama (Page 25 of 33)
I'm Sarah, a thirty-something music teacher who now is blessed to stay at home with my two lovebugs. I've been passionate about prenatal care, childbirth, and attachment parenting since my first child was born, and now I aim to help other new parents be as educated as possible! You can also find me as a published author at
You'll see that we've gotten backyard chickens and we adore our feathered girls! I write basic content for new chicken owners to help families see that getting a flock of your own is fantastic and fun, for you and your kids. You'll see my egg-laying girls on my YouTube channel, along with toy reviews and other videos, at
Thanks for stopping by, and email me at if you have any comments or suggestions.
Any healthy woman who has a low risk pregnancy can work towards a drug-free birth if that is what she desires. However, it does take time and effort to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Additionally, I really do think that all women need to have a mental plan on how they will deal with pain, even if they intend to have pain relief during labor.
I have had a natural birth in a hospital, and one in a birth center. Here are the biggest pieces of advice that I can give to any mother who is curious about pursuing a drug-free birth! Continue reading
I want all parents to know about this man: while his name isn’t as popular as it should be, it doesn’t undermine what he did to literally save thousands of premature babies. Before his dedicated care, premies were basically sent with their parents to die at home. Because of his selflessness and determination, baby incubators were adopted into hospitals. Now a premature baby has an extraordinarily better chance at survival. All thanks to this man, Dr. Couney. Continue reading
My kid has had an iPad hand-me-down since he was about one and a half. My husband and I agreed that Kiddo could have limited technology usage, provided that it was educational and interactive. Now our son is three, and we continue to find new and exciting apps to keep him engaged and exploring. We got the Kidloland full app a few months ago, and our son is still entertained. Here’s my honest review of the Kidloland app for toddlers – plus a video of Kiddo playing! Continue reading
When you find out that you and your significant other are going to have a baby, the feelings of elation are matched by a thousand questions. You spend hours researching things like feeding and sleep, and daydream about the perfect nursery. But no one really prepares you for the changes which will happen once the baby arrives. No one talks about this big misconception about parenthood, and it kinda sucks.
Namely, saying goodbye to your old life. For good. Continue reading
I was a working mom for two years, and am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom since I had my second child. I had no close friends nor family who were SAHMs and I went into this new job without a clue. It’s been beautiful, stressful, and the best year of my life! My hope is to make your journey into motherhood as seamless as possible. Here are my tips for what to expect, and what to do, so that you and your littles are as happy as can be. Continue reading
So there’s this thing, called the Frogg Togg Chilly Pad, and I read online that it can help parents stay cool when babywearing. I live in Texas (and it’s H-O-T here, y’all) so I thought I’d try it out! But did it rise to the hype I’d found online? Read on for my honest review, plus a demo video!
With our family vacation looming nearer, I got more and more anxious about having such a long drive with two littles. I have a sensitive, active three-year-old; I also have a feisty, demanding nine-month-old who breastfeeds. We have a road trip ahead of us, and I did not want to turn it into an excursion full of stops and screaming.
Read on for my best suggestions and gear when going on a road trip with kids! Continue reading
I admit it. I got into a power struggle with my three year old the other day. I know it’s the “easy way out” and it doesn’t really help anyone, but I was tired and looking for the quick fix. Plus… he was being such a jerk! …There I go. Making excuses for not parenting the best way I know how. I just KNEW that trying to corner him into doing what I wanted wouldn’t work. But I did it anyway. It lasted about six minutes before my fatigued mind and exhausted heart said, “Enough. Choose kindness.” Continue reading
As a parent, diaper duty is just one of the things that you have to suffer through. We usually try to do diaper changes as quickly as possible, and get the filthy thing (the diaper, not the baby) into quarantine as soon as we can. But let’s be honest: there’s only so much air freshener you can use. You really should use a diaper pail, and be as civilized as possible while cleaning other people’s bodily fluids.
I’ve got two diaper pails: the Diaper Genie, and the Dekor. I love one, and I hate one. Here’s my honest review in the hopes that you spend your money as wisely as you can! Your nose will thank me. Continue reading