Real. Simple. Parenting.

Category: Fun & Laughs (Page 4 of 6)

Fun and Laughs is a rather obscure topic on Real Simple Mama, simply because it includes the light-hearted, sometimes random, and always joyous articles which don’t fit anywhere else.

My goal here is to keep the balance of RSM by adding articles which are whimsical and educational. As always, you can trust RSM to have hundreds of articles which relate to pregnancy and attachment parenting: prenatal care, natural birth, breastfeeding, postpartum healing, cosleeping, babywearing, baby led weaning, cloth diapering, and more. I aim to make pregnancy and parenting easy to bear with researched and experienced advice. Always simple, always honest!

Look to this Fun and Laughs category for parenting and motherhood articles which may hit a little too close to home, but are guaranteed to make you smile.

And I encourage you to see what RSM has to offer in the form of parenting eBooks! Check them out here.

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For My Mom On Her Birthday

My mother is the most selfless person I have ever met. I don’t understand how she is so effortlessly generous and kind, but I have noticed that the world recognizes it like I do. People flock to her: her smile, her laugh, her sarcastic sense of humor, and her leadership. It’s hard to tell you exactly what my mom has taught me in 30 something years, especially since she was my first teacher.

Now that I’m a mother too, all of these lessons she’s been ingraining in me have even more meaning. For her birthday, I’d like to honor her by passing on some of her most precious messages about motherhood, and life in general. Continue reading

Five Prompts to Help You Tell an Amazing Bedtime Story!

It’s bedtime, and your kids want a bedtime story. You probably know the rest. Or maybe your child is awake again, and you need to get them back to sleep!

When my babies have woken up in the middle of the night, they always want to hear a story to help them relax and fall back asleep. I don’t want to turn on a light and nothing comes to mind. If I don’t start spouting a tale soon, my kid will get agitated.

So I’ve come up with a few prompts to help you get started: my goal here is to help you create your own amazing, imaginative stories for your child! These are the bedtime tales which your kids will remember long after that sleepless night. Continue reading

Life with Cystic Fibrosis: A Mother’s Perspective

Like most people, I’d heard of cystic fibrosis (CF) but couldn’t really tell you a lot about it. A dear friend of mine named Stacy has been really influential in teaching my family about CF, since her daughter Elsa has it. I felt very strongly about getting some information out into the world to help more people, especially parents, learn about life with cystic fibrosis from a mother’s perspective. Continue reading

The Sweetest Sibling Gift

When we found out we were expecting a second child, I was ecstatic! But I also wanted a way to bond with my son, my one and only, before his little sister arrived. I’d read that it would help the oldest child adapt to the idea of having a sibling if they “gifted” something to the baby, and it sounded like a beautiful thing to do. We found the perfect thing: the sweetest sibling gift, made with love. Continue reading

For My Daughter: A Love Letter On Your First Birthday

For my daughter’s first birthday, I thought to include a special entry into my journal for her, like a love letter. Read on to see it in its entirety…

From the moment I first saw your face, I adored you. You came into this world with a triumphant yell, opened your eyes and looked right into my heart. We all realized immediately that you were the personification of Shakespeare’s quote, “though she be but little, she is fierce.” Continue reading

Let Your Kids Just Be Kids

I am begging with you. Pleading. Please quit wishing that your kids would grow up. Please quit being annoyed that they want to be held, that they can’t reach something, that they ask for you in the night. Please, for your motherly heart and for the sake of your child… let your kids just be kids. Continue reading

Guys it’s official! I am so proud, humbled, and… tired.

I’m officially published on Amazon!

Check out my author page!

Both of my books – Breastfeeding or Formula? and Cloth or Disposables? will be


Monday September 19-Friday September 23


The Doctor Who Paved The Way For Premies

I want all parents to know about this man: while his name isn’t as popular as it should be, it doesn’t undermine what he did to literally save thousands of premature babies. Before his dedicated care, premies were basically sent with their parents to die at home. Because of his selflessness and determination, baby incubators were adopted into hospitals. Now a premature baby has an extraordinarily better chance at survival. All thanks to this man, Dr. Couney. Continue reading

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