Pregnancy is one of the greatest joys of being a woman. Being able to create and grow a human being is something to be grateful for and proud of. If you believe that fate will only give you what you can handle and you got pregnant with twins, then you are a badass mama! You will need all the information you can gather in order to keep your sanity for this journey called, motherhood. Here’s a quick article with some of the information you should know if you’ll be having twins. 

So, you’re pregnant. Congrats! But wait, two babies?! Double the stress, double the risks, double the work. Trust me, once you have those babies in your arms you will feel so much better – double the cuddles, double the smiles, double the love! But a lot of moms, including mothers who I know personally, were so much more worried with being pregnant with multiples than they were with a singleton pregnancy. Not to worry, Mama!

Got Twins? Twin Pregnancy Infographic - TwinStuff and Real Simple Mama

This graphic visual representation of what your twin pregnancy will be like is exactly what you need as you go through your nine-month journey. This infographic shows facts about the reality of carrying twins and multiples and its difference from carrying a singleton baby. Having the right knowledge of the risks of twin pregnancy can help you better manage your expectations, your symptoms, and your anxiety. You deserve to have a beautiful, enjoyable, informed pregnancy!

There are a lot of things that could go wrong during pregnancy, especially things that we cannot control like chromosomal problems and developmental issues. It is understandable that your worries double and your anxiety increases when you are pregnant with twins. Refer to this infographic if you need immediate assurance that what you are dealing with – the symptoms, the worries, and the risks – are all normal.

Let this infographic serve as a guide and a reminder of what you can do for the things you have control over, such as proper prenatal care, your weight and diet, and how your partner and family members can better support you. This is a fantastic journey, and you deserve to feel safe and secure. And of course, congratulations!

Thanks to Nick at TwinStuff for helping families of twins! Feel free to check out their website at that link.

As always, don’t worry about being “that mom” – contact your midwife or obstetrician if you are worried or curious about anything. Your precious babies are worth it!

And thanks for pinning this and sharing it out! Let’s help as many twin moms as possible!

Got Twins? Twin Pregnancy Infographic - TwinStuff and Real Simple Mama