My oldest child, my son and my firstborn, is about to turn seven years old. I say this every year, but I can’t believe it! Time is flying and my heart is about to burst with pride and emotion. Every year I write a little love letter to my children on their birthdays, as I reflect on their birth and how our lives have changed, the person they are and the person they will become. Here is Happy Birthday to My Son as he turns seven. Enjoy.
You’re welcome to use this birthday love letter as a template to write an original letter to your own child! And if you’d like to see why I’m so passionate about writing to my kids on a regular basis, click here to read that article. My children will get their journal, started before they were born, when they turn 18. Happy birthday to my son, and I hope that it’s a memorable one!
Oh my darling boy,
Another amazing year comes to a close. And what a year it’s been! We’ve moved into our perfect little home together, you’ve completed bilingual first grade, you’ve started losing teeth, you’ve learned to ride a bike, we’ve adopted a dog and said goodbye to a dog and a cat… The list of highs and lows, memories and milestones, goes on and on.
Of course we also have to mention the pandemic going on with the virus COVID-19. It’s changed all of our lives, shortened the school year, and made people reevaluate lots of things.
This is such an interesting time for you in your growth, because you amaze me with your maturity and ability, but then you also gently (or not so gently) remind me that you are still so young. You’re devouring chapter books at least one a day – things like “A to Z Mysteries”, “The Magic Treehouse”, and anything by Dad Pilkey or Shel Silverstein or Mike Wallace. We keep getting you books and we can’t keep up! And you understand so many things, in our slow-to-get-interesting “The Secret Garden” and with conflicts and communication in relationships.
But then you get sleepy and talk in a baby voice, or are whiny because you didn’t get something that you wanted, or ask for a treat, and my God I’m reminded that you are still so young. Just because you have incredible compassion and comprehension and you “get” things, doesn’t mean that you aren’t still a child.

There are so many things about you that I adore. I catch myself watching you while you have your nose in a book, while you’re laughing with your sister, when you listen to Daddy telling a story at dinner. My beautiful, sweet child. I love your long lashes and your silly ridiculous laugh. I love how creative you are and how you play with words, rhyming and writing and creating. I love how you take care of the dogs – you have a special bond with our new rescue, Penny Lane – and you love being around the chickens. You help us out with so many things, you love cooking and you love trying new things and you love learning!
Your passions now include gaming (Mario, iPad learning games, anything on the Nintendo DS like Scribblenauts and Animal Crossing), reading, drawing comics, writing stories, cooking, playing outside, helping with gardening and chickens, nature walks, building with Lego and Duplo, laughing and spending every minute with your little sister who adores you.
You’re the kind of kid who goes into his room to put on socks, and is still in there 20 minutes later, laying on the floor reading a book!

It’s amazing to see you growing into your own person, who is so like me in so many ways and yet so individual. I love seeing you becoming who you are, your own person who will find his way in this world. And I promise that I will always be on your team, even when I’m hurt or mad or doesn’t understand.
Being a parent has taught me that love is a lot of things. It’s respect, it’s space, it’s availability, it’s sharing everything from pain to laughter to joy. And I will always love you, no matter what. I’ll always respect you, I’ll always teach you, I’ll always encourage you and worry my heart out.
I hope that you have a beautiful birthday, as we learn new ways to show you that we love you; as love comes to you from all over the world in this time of the international pandemic; as we re-invent what a birthday celebration looks like in our little family.
I love you more than the sun and the moon, more than the sea and the sky; more than all the plants, all the animals, all the people, and all the things on this earth.
Happy birthday my baby!
Your #1 fan,
This is why I will always write to my kids.
This is what I wrote my daughter after she was born.
I hope you loved this letter and that it inspired you to write one of your own to your own kids! Thank you for helping me say “happy birthday to my son”!

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