If your kids go to school, and you pick them up in your car, then you probably know the feeling. “Uuuugh I have to sit in the pick-up lane and try not to fall asleep or go insane.” Fear not! I have ideas for fun and productive time wasting. Read on for the best ways on how to stay sane in the pick-up lane.
There might be affiliate links here. But no one sponsored me so all opinions and suggestions are my own!

Just for Fun in the Pick-Up Lane
This section is for silly apps and other suggestions which don’t do much except occupy and amuse.
Write to your kids. Either use pen and paper (the dollar store usually has little notebooks that work fine), or create an email or note on your phone. (And hey if you haven’t made an email address for your kids, it’s free and then you can send them notes anytime! Give them the login when they’re a teenager.) I let my children know what’s going on in our lives, what milestones/big events they’ve had going on, what their interests and fears and thoughts are at the moment. If you want to know why I really hype writing to your kids, check out my article here.
I also put little notes into my son’s lunch every day, so I occasionally bring the notepad and jot down a few more. You can look for jokes, inspirational quotes, or just cute little doodles. It also helps to have a flat surface like a book or a cutting board to write on. Pinterest has all kinds of ideas of what to write!
Color. I don’t care if it seems childish, it’s fun! Coloring allows you to create something beautiful while letting your brain shut off for a bit. You can work on a bigger project like a mandala or just doodle with some of the restaurant crayons you find in the backseat. This Mama loves her coloring time!
Find some new music. I’m a sucker for playlists and songs that I find on Pinterest, or of course you could look at Pandora, Spotify, or Apple Music. And if you like to crank the radio, keep the infamous free Shazam app on hand so that you can discover what that catchy tune is while in the pick-up lane.
Additionally, I love looking up song lyrics. While iTunes does have some built-in, I hate realizing that I’ve been singing songs incorrectly! A quick Google search gives you an a-ha moment into what that singer was actually saying.
Mindless games are always a good idea. My favorites have been Crossy Road, Egg Inc., and The Trail. Very little brain power required, but always entertaining!
Declutter your purse, bag, or car. My brilliant friend Brittany S. suggested this and I’ve totally done it too! Keep trash bags in your glove box so that you can go through and clean everything out. There are only so many stale Goldfish that my backseat can hold…
Try a new makeup look. The second of amazing ideas from Brittany, bring a few of your beauty products to try them on in the car. This is really the only time we get to do this kind of thing, right? Plus, if it looks terrible, keep a makeup remover wipe on hand and no one has to know.
Finally, sign up for a fun newsletter. I found The Pickup Line which is literally for sitting in your car after school. I’ve also won some stuff from them before which is pretty cool! I like getting some news, some movie/book, and some recipe ideas while I wait in that darned line.

Just for Your Health in the Pick-Up Lane
Wanna take care of yourself while you’re trapped in your car? This section is all about little things you can do for your health while stuck in the pick-up lane.
Firstly, get you a thermos or tumbler and drink water! I bet if you have it with you, you’ll remember to drink more. Mine even has the time stamps on it so I remember throughout the day. You can also use an app to help remind you – my new favorite is Water Minder, which costs a few bucks, or you can get Thirrrsty which is free. Add lemon, cucumber, mint, or frozen berries to be the most sophisticated one in the pick-up lane.
If you’re able to, park and get out of the car for a minute to stretch or take a quick walk. A few moms I know boost their daily 10k steps by hopping out of their vehicle to walk a little while they wait on their kid. You might feel silly, but you also might inspire others to do the same thing!
I’ve also trained my body to be hungry while I’m stuck in the pick-up lane so I always have a snack. If you’re looking to watch what you eat, get all of my favorite snack ideas here.
Do your Kegels, girl! I know they’re kind of lame but it’s better than peeing yourself when you sneeze. I use the pro version of the Kegel Trainer app because I can customize the times of the sessions. (I learned about all this from my pelvic floor therapist, who is basically a genie. If there’s one in your area, I highly recommend you go see them!)
And I’m not gonna lie: I occasionally paint my nails while I’m sitting there. I make sure the windows are open but I have a small manicure set that I keep in my car for when I need it.
The final suggestion from Brittany: do a tissue mask facial! You may look like a Mexican wrestler while sitting in your car, but one else is paying attention anyway. And no need to wash your face afterwards: just rub in the excess product and viola!
Finally, I keep a cheap lip balm and a hand lotion in my car and make a point to apply both every day. If it’s there, I’ll remember!
Just for Your Brain in the Pick-Up Lane
Lots of ideas to stretch your mind and make you the brightest star in a dark sky.
Firstly, meditate. It only takes five or ten minutes and this is a perfect time of day to do it. I have been a member of the Calm community for years – and hey, they have kid meditations too, perfect for the child who needs to decompress after school. Read all about my love for Calm, and how it helps this anxious mom.
Learn a new language! I love the Duolingo app and you can use it for free. You can do your daily training in less than ten minutes and it really adds up. They also apparently have a podcast which I need to start listening to!
Speaking of podcasts, find something interesting to listen to. It can be inspirational, like Mama Now with my brilliant friends Marie and Lee Lee (yours truly is on there for Episode 15!), or educational like There’s No Such Thing as a Fish. Download them at home so that you don’t use up phone data, and enjoy!
Another app I’ll recommend is Elevate, which has daily brain-training sessions on everything from grammar to multiplication to punctuation. I really enjoy all the different kinds of content and it’s helped me with a few weaknesses. Yet another thing you can do to make yourself better, without taking up a ton of time.
Read. Ah, what a beautiful thought. I have so many amazing books just waiting to be read. (Hell, I’ve been trying to finish the Harry Potter series since my first kid was born and he’s in kindergarten now!) You can use an eReader or you can bring the good old paperback. It feels so good to read something that doesn’t rhyme.
Finally, organize your life and declutter your soul with the content from my brilliant friend Marie. Her website, Create Balance, has all kinds of articles and resources and videos to help you prioritize the limited time you have. I use all of her content and it really keeps my head above water (and also keeps me from eating my young sometimes). Check her out!
Whew! That should give you some ideas for the next time you’re stuck in the pick-up lane. Got any good ones to add? Let me know in the comments! And thanks for sharing!

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