Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: baby (Page 8 of 14)

Why We Bedshare: The Simple Beauty of Cosleeping

Cosleeping is a natural thing, and you see it in cultures all over the world. A lot of families cosleep: it’s what works for them. But I think most parents are ashamed or embarrassed to admit this. Why? There are lots of reasons to bedshare, lots of benefits to all family members, and lots of ways to do it safely. Let’s get rid of the stigma that bedsharing is dangerous or crazy, and teach parents the truth: it can be pretty damn awesome. Continue reading

For My Daughter: A Love Letter On Your First Birthday

For my daughter’s first birthday, I thought to include a special entry into my journal for her, like a love letter. Read on to see it in its entirety…

From the moment I first saw your face, I adored you. You came into this world with a triumphant yell, opened your eyes and looked right into my heart. We all realized immediately that you were the personification of Shakespeare’s quote, “though she be but little, she is fierce.” Continue reading

Life As An Anxious Mom

I have said it before, and I will say it again: any anxiety you have does get exacerbated after you have a child. You can still be a fantastic, joyous parent; but you should know some things up front about living as an anxious mom. Here’s what life is like for me, as well as some tips if you’re an anxious parent too. Continue reading

Review: The ULTIMATE Cloth Diaper Cover Comparison!

Ahh, cloth diapering. I love it so. It seems crazy, but I really do enjoy using fluff to diaper my daughter. It’s fun, simple, and is saving us boatloads.

Out of the various types of cloth, our favorite combo is the prefold and cover. (If you’d like a rundown of various options, I did an intro to CD you can read here). But just like everything else, different brands have given us varying experiences! Here’s a sampling of the diaper covers out there, with my honest unbiased opinion of each (and of course, photos!). Continue reading

Pumping Gear for Nursing Moms – A Real Simple Guide

I feel like moms who breastfeed have lots of resources online, not least of which is right here on Real Simple Mama. But I think that moms who pump are often left to figure things out on their own. In a topic which is widely experienced but not widely discussed, I’ve created an extensive article about pumping gear for nursing moms.

Let’s talk about the stuff I recommend for pumping… ‘cuz there’s a lot. Continue reading

Different Kinds of Cloth Diapers – A Real Simple Guide

Cloth diapers are amazing. They’re versatile, adorable, comfortable, and economical. But they’re intimidating as hell to new or potential parents, partly because there are so many kinds. While a disposable is pretty basic – what you see is what you get – cloth diapers are a vast industry of options. Here I’ll break down the three main kinds of cloth diapers: the good, the bad, all of my experiences, plus photos! Bonus in summer 2018: look for the complete video tour at the end! Continue reading

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