Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: comfort

Review: Pixie Menstrual Cup

I have always wanted to try a menstrual cup. The concept makes sense: save the planet, save some cash, and maybe even help yourself lessen those damn period cramps! But are menstrual cups really beneficial, or are they an awkward and gross alternative to pads and tampons? Check out my honest, unbiased review of the Pixie Cup menstrual cup along with photos, tips, and a demo video (all G-rated, of course). Continue reading

Why I’m Letting My Last Child Breastfeed Until She’s Ready to Wean

Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading

Truths About Bedsharing

Bedsharing has been a lifesaver in our house, from saving my breastmilk supply to ensuring that everyone gets a decent amount of sleep. But I don’t feel like it’s mainstreamed into society well; with that, come a lot of secret society truths about bedsharing that only fellow bedsharers would understand. Here are a few of my favorites. Continue reading

Music In the Womb – Playing Music for Baby

You may have heard about some parents-to-be playing music for their unborn baby, and might even have thought about trying it yourself.  Sarah and I have done some research and talked to some parents who’ve tried this. There seem to be mixed feelings on this topic… Music for baby while they’re still in the womb. Read all about what we’ve learned about music for unborn babies and what we recommend as new parents.

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