Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: etsy

How to Help Chickens Grow Feathers Back After Molting, Mating, or Bullying

Hi there! I’m Sarah, the Real Simple Mama, and I love chickens. But it’s heartbreaking when one of our feather babies is molting, or has been bullied, or is feather picking. Losing feathers is an annoying, often painful process for our sweet birds. So I’m here to give you some suggestions of how to help your chickens grow feathers back. Read through the article, and check out the YouTube video of the same name, found at the end of the article!

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Save the Planet With Five Easy Hacks

We all want to save the planet, right? I hope that everyone cares enough about the human race to look at their own lives and say “What can I do to save the earth?” But it can seem depressing and daunting, especially if you’re on a budget. I’m a stay-at-home mom of two little kids and I’ve found that we can save the planet with these five hacks: they’re cheap, easy, and don’t take away from your quality of life. Plus check out my demo video at the end of the article to see the products in action! Continue reading

My Test Drive with Cloth Wipes

I have braved cloth diapers for the last four months, but up until now have been leery about trying cloth wipes. Making a solution, hanging them up to dry… it just seemed like more work than it was worth.

Now that I have been using cloth wipes for a few weeks, I wanted to let you know how it is going! Read on for a newbie’s perspective on cloth wipes, as well as some tips I have learned along the way. Continue reading

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