Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: house (Page 3 of 3)

Make Your To-Do List Work for You

It’s a new year, and you want to be more organized! It’s such a great feeling of accomplishment to feel that you’ve “done” something and can cross an item off of your list. But if you’re like me, your to-do list just gets longer and longer (and you get more and more pissed off). I’ve finally tweaked my system and would love to show you how to make your to-do list work for you!

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The Double-Edged Sword of Mom Guilt

Unwinding in a fragrant, steaming hot bubble bath. Eating a delicious hot meal slowly and deliberately, savoring every bite and enjoying meaningful conversation. Getting a spa pedicure. Peeing alone. Apparently as a mom, I’m not supposed to want those things. Because if I do it means that I don’t love my kids. Mom guilt is real, and it sucks.

I don’t have anyone to blame for this mentality more than myself. Sure society can be a bit of a jackass sometimes, and make me feel like I should always be overjoyed to be trapped in my home 24/7 with my offspring. I don’t earn an income per se (though let’s not get started on the outrageous daycare savings) and I don’t have a “real job.” I mean, all I do is sit around and watch TV in yoga pants, right?

Cue hysterical laugh. Continue reading

Home Buying Tips for Families with Children

We’ve just recently bought a new home after a long and tedious search. While we’ve owned and built homes before, this was still a fresh experience for us – this time, we have two kids to think about, too. And home buying can look quite different when you have children!

Read on for my tips in regards to househunting, and picking the perfect home for your family for years to come! Continue reading

What You REALLY Need To Do Before Baby Arrives

We have all seen the usual lists about “what to do before Baby arrives.” There’s the stock list of things like cleaning the house and assembling the crib; I’m sure you’ve read dozens of those on Pinterest if you’re expecting. And I made my own list after my first baby. But from a mom of two, let me give you the list of unique, obscure, overlooked and totally recommended things you should do before Baby arrives! Continue reading

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