Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: kid (Page 7 of 10)

5 Things All Businesses Should Do to Help Parents and Families

America needs to step up its game when it comes to taking care of the family. We are a world power and a first-world country, yet there are so many things about being a parent in the US which are ridiculously lacking. While I won’t get into the massive issues which need attention, I have thought of five things that all businesses should do to help parents and families. These are fairly easy to implement and can be done by most stores and restaurants. Let’s all work to make the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave a sanctuary for families, too. Continue reading

The Tragic Irony of the Stay-at-Home Mom

Being a stay-at-home mom is absolutely wonderful. I get to raise my own children in the comfort of our own home, and I often do so without wearing real pants. But the truth is, there is a lot about being a SAH parent which society quietly ignores. When I consciously became aware of the tragic irony of the stay-at-home mom, I knew that I would have to write about it. Continue reading

The Best Toys to Inspire Imagination!

I think almost every parent at some point feels that they have too many toys for their kids. It seems like no matter how much cleaning and reorganizing, selling and donating, threatening and taking-away we do, we end up with multiplying toys.

As our family looks to downsize and simplify, we notice that our kids enjoy their imaginative toys the most. These are the toys which inspire open-ended, creative play. (And as a bonus, they rarely require batteries or make loud noises!) I’ve compiled my kids’ favorites and the smartest buys, so read on for the best toys to inspire imagination – and I hope that they help your family pretend, create, and play together!  Continue reading

A Letter to My Son on His Fourth Birthday: Embrace Each Day

Oh my child. A year ago I found myself in the position of writing your annual birthday letter and wondering where in the hell the time had gone. Now you’re turning four. And I feel the time is like sand running through my fingers, no matter how desperately I cling to it.

But instead of dreading the inevitability of you growing up, I am going to choose to be excited for what is to come. I want to embrace each day with you, marvel at everything you learn and do, and be grateful that I am your mother. Continue reading

How to Make Time for Your Oldest Child

My son, my oldest child, is almost four years old, and he’s not the baby anymore. His toddler sister still breastfeeds and requires a lot more attention (and supervision) than her calm, obedient older brother. This is great for me as a stay-at-home mom; but it also means that my son gets left behind sometimes, just because he’s older and can be trusted, forgotten about while his sibling wreaks havoc left and right.

Lately I’ve made more of a conscious effort to get quality one-on-one time with my son. He needs it, and so do I. Here is how to make time for your oldest child. Continue reading

10 Cool Facts About Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are really cool. They save us money and they save the environment. But they’re also pretty weird; I mean, the fluff community has to be kind of crazy to do what we do with other people’s soiled nappies! I’ve been thinking about random cool tips and tricks about cloth diapers, and so I compiled this quick article for all of you learning about (or falling more in love with) cloth diapers. Here are 10 cool facts about cloth diapers. Continue reading

Review: Baby Trend 2 High Chair

It has taken me too long to write a review for our Old Faithful, the high chair we’ve had for over three years. Our Baby Trend 2 High Chair is on Kid #2 right now and still going strong. It’s been an unexpected, unconventional focal point in our little home and I appreciate it very much. So I owe it its own review. (Ignore the over-personification of things, it’s a side effect of Chronic Mom Brain.) Continue reading

If I Ever Have Another Baby

I must confess, I want more kids. I’ve always wanted more than two (which is what I have now). But we are at a crossroads, our little family: is another child right for us? Right now my husband and I don’t agree; he’s set on the two we have and being done with it. I, however, have other dreams. I often think of the possibility… if I ever have another baby… what would I want my experience to be like?

One thing this dialogue has made me realize is that if I ever get the chance to have another child, I am not taking a single thing for granted. I know the experience I want to have, both for my baby and for myself. If I ever have another baby, these are my plans and my promises to my future child. Continue reading

The Four Biggest Things You Need to Know If You Want to Succeed at Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is amazing. I mean, it’s time consuming as hell, can hurt like hell, and gives you paranoia like hell. But other than all that, breastfeeding really is incredible! It’s one of the proudest achievements of my entire life, and I don’t regret a moment of my four-plus years of nursing my kids.

My first go around with nursing, I felt prepared. I took the class, read the books, and had boobs. Baby and I will be fine!, I thought. After all, breastfeeding is natural.

Now that I’ve been nursing for almost four years, I see what I wish I had known. So, to help out all of the other lactating mamas out there, I’ve built the list of the four biggest things you need to know if you want to succeed at breastfeeding. Continue reading

A Bedtime Routine for The Breastfeeding, Bedsharing Toddler

There are about one hundred ways to get your toddler ready for bed. And I bet you know them all: from baths to massage to lullabies and stories, everyone has the routine which works for their little one.

But when you breastfeed (which means that you probably nurse to sleep, and also possibly bedshare), your ritual can look quite different. So I thought I’d give some perspective to the parenting posts of the world, and show you what bedtime looks like at our house. Read on for a bedtime routine for a bedsharing toddler. Continue reading

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