Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: mom (Page 10 of 12)

The Most Underrated Items For New Moms

Congratulations! You’re having a baby. How exciting!!!! I’m sure that everyone is flooding your mind’s inbox with tons of ideas and suggestions of stuff you just GOTTA have for you and the baby. While I have my own opinions of those things and what you really do (and don’t) need, this is not that post. I am teaching you what underrated – sometimes random – items you should add to your registry, or get for yourself before your baby arrives. These things are meant to make your life easier so that you can rest and admire that gorgeous little squish you grew! Read on for my list of the most underrated items for new moms! Continue reading

Advice For Stay-At-Home Moms

I was a working mom for two years, and am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom since I had my second child. I had no close friends nor family who were SAHMs and I went into this new job without a clue. It’s been beautiful, stressful, and the best year of my life! My hope is to make your journey into motherhood as seamless as possible. Here are my tips for what to expect, and what to do, so that you and your littles are as happy as can be. Continue reading

Review: Diaper Genie vs Dekor Pail Comparison!

As a parent, diaper duty is just one of the things that you have to suffer through. We usually try to do diaper changes as quickly as possible, and get the filthy thing (the diaper, not the baby) into quarantine as soon as we can. But let’s be honest: there’s only so much air freshener you can use. You really should use a diaper pail, and be as civilized as possible while cleaning other people’s bodily fluids.

I’ve got two diaper pails: the Diaper Genie, and the Dekor. I love one, and I hate one. Here’s my honest review in the hopes that you spend your money as wisely as you can! Your nose will thank me. Continue reading

Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home: An AP Mama’s Experience

Being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, most difficult job I’ve ever had, or will ever have. And yet, I absolutely love it. Not a moment goes by when I think “I wish I was working instead of being home with my babies.” However, going from a working mom (Kid #1) to SAHM (Kid #2) was a challenging transition. Here I describe the good, the bad, and the ugly of both… all from an attachment mom’s perspective. Continue reading

This Is Why I Baby Wear

As a babywearing mama, I get a lot of different comments from people when I am out and about. Some mention how happy and cozy my baby looks, while others ask questions. It’s a challenge to answer them in a way which really explains and glorifies babywearing like it deserves. There are so many reasons why I enjoy wearing my baby, it would be impossible to explain them all to a complete stranger (although I’ve thought about making a pamphlet that I could just pass out as I walk away).

Here is a very honest list which hopefully will do justice to how wonderful it is to babywear! Continue reading

Home Buying Tips for Families with Children

We’ve just recently bought a new home after a long and tedious search. While we’ve owned and built homes before, this was still a fresh experience for us – this time, we have two kids to think about, too. And home buying can look quite different when you have children!

Read on for my tips in regards to househunting, and picking the perfect home for your family for years to come! Continue reading

What You REALLY Need To Do Before Baby Arrives

We have all seen the usual lists about “what to do before Baby arrives.” There’s the stock list of things like cleaning the house and assembling the crib; I’m sure you’ve read dozens of those on Pinterest if you’re expecting. And I made my own list after my first baby. But from a mom of two, let me give you the list of unique, obscure, overlooked and totally recommended things you should do before Baby arrives! Continue reading

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