Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: mother (Page 5 of 6)

Choose Kindness

I admit it. I got into a power struggle with my three year old the other day. I know it’s the “easy way out” and it doesn’t really help anyone, but I was tired and looking for the quick fix. Plus… he was being such a jerk! …There I go. Making excuses for not parenting the best way I know how. I just KNEW that trying to corner him into doing what I wanted wouldn’t work. But I did it anyway. It lasted about six minutes before my fatigued mind and exhausted heart said, “Enough. Choose kindness.” Continue reading

Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home: An AP Mama’s Experience

Being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, most difficult job I’ve ever had, or will ever have. And yet, I absolutely love it. Not a moment goes by when I think “I wish I was working instead of being home with my babies.” However, going from a working mom (Kid #1) to SAHM (Kid #2) was a challenging transition. Here I describe the good, the bad, and the ugly of both… all from an attachment mom’s perspective. Continue reading

I Hope She’s Not My Last Baby

All parents know the feeling of watching their children grow up. Last night my husband and I sat on the couch while the kids slept, looking at photo streams of Kiddo when he was a baby. I was so overcome with pride and sorrow that I was sobbing and laughing. I love him so, and he truly is growing up too fast. I feel a tightening in my heart when I think that I may never be pregnant again. It’s too early to tell, of course; Tiny is only six months old today (OMG wait what? Oh nooo), so we wouldn’t really be actively trying for another year or so. Still, to think that my days of being pregnant are over, makes my heart ache and brings tears to my eyes. I hope she’s not my last, and I’m not ready to accept that she quite likely is my last baby. Continue reading

Review – Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump

I can still hear that whirring sound sometimes if I think about it… And Simon and Garfunkel singing “Hello darkness my old friend…” I pumped for over a year and a half for my first child; my breast pump was constantly with me. I must have spent hours upon hours with this thing – lugging it everywhere, washing parts multiple times a day, measuring milk… and my son’s life would be vastly different without the nourishment I provided by pumping. Get the scoop on a highly experienced mama’s review of the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump. Continue reading

Review: The UPDATED Ultimate Nursing Pad Comparison!

*Updated April 24 2016: woo hoo more reviews!!!

Let’s face it: whether or not you plan to breastfeed, your boobs are going to leak milk. And for as long as you breastfeed, your boobs are going to leak milk. And unless you want to ruin everything you wear, you are going to want nursing pads. But have no fear, I have done the work for you – comparing SIX different styles of washable and disposable nursing pads from four different brands. I’m proclaiming myself to be the world’s first breast pad connoisseur. And oh yes I’ve got real-life photos too! (Of the pads, not my boobs). Continue reading

A Complete Birth Plan

We are getting closer and closer to the big day!  We’ve spent a lot of time speaking to medical professionals, attending classes, and doing lots of our own research – all with the intention of making the best birth plan possible for our son. This birth plan is written with a hospital birth in mind, and my emphasis was on a natural/drug-free birth. I’ll write a birth center-specific plan soon.

I wrote this adorably innocent article in 2013. I’ve revised it now that I’ve birthed two kiddos 🙂 Free PDF download included!

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