Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: nature

Go On A Nature Walk With Your Kids!

Let’s get outside! Any time of year is a great time to take your children to a field or park, and go on a nature walk. My children and I bond over these quiet walks, where I teach them and show them all kinds of things about the circle of life. Even if bugs and dirt ain’t your thang, you can still enjoy this activity with your kids! Read on for our family tips on how to go on a nature walk!

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Fun Things to Do With Your Toddler

Got a toddler, huh? I bet you’ve heard that “the days are long but the years are short.” Still, that “days are long” part can be tough! My daughter and I had to find some stuff to pass the time once her big brother started kindergarten. And now I pass on my list of fun things to do with your toddler – with a free PDF list included for you to download and print! Continue reading

Why You Should Take Your Kids to the Zoo

I thought it appropriate to publish an article about some family fun as we begin our spring break. One of our favorite places to go to together is the San Antonio Zoo! Our zoo here is fantastic! It is just big enough to feel thorough without getting too draining, and they have done an incredible job in regards to kid-friendly activities and attractions. We love our zoo! But I know a lot of people feel that attending a zoo is feeding the caged-animal-cruelty-and-abuse monster. I did some research and took a hell of a lot of photos, and I am here to say: zoos are wonderful, and I will continue to take my kids to the zoo on a regular basis. My support equals education and protection for wildlife, and an immeasurable experience for my children. Here’s why you should take your kids to the zoo. Continue reading

Review: Baby World App

If you have a baby, it’s easy to think of them as a tiny adult: after all, they’re a human being, and they’ll be a grownup eventually. However, a young baby sees the world very differently from their parents. And now there’s an app for that.

I was approached by Appetite for Education about reviewing their new app called Baby World. When Magdalena explained the concept of the app to me, I was intrigued: essentially Baby World shows parents and caregivers the world through a newborn’s eyes. The app emphasizes the baby’s limited vision and limited color scope, and allows you to use visually appropriate flash cards with your baby. There’s even an interactive camera!

Now that I’ve gotten a sneak peek at all that Baby World has to offer, I’ve gotta tell you: you need this app if you have a baby. Continue reading

Choose Kindness

I admit it. I got into a power struggle with my three year old the other day. I know it’s the “easy way out” and it doesn’t really help anyone, but I was tired and looking for the quick fix. Plus… he was being such a jerk! …There I go. Making excuses for not parenting the best way I know how. I just KNEW that trying to corner him into doing what I wanted wouldn’t work. But I did it anyway. It lasted about six minutes before my fatigued mind and exhausted heart said, “Enough. Choose kindness.” Continue reading

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