Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: newborn (Page 3 of 6)

Review: The ULTIMATE Cloth Diaper Cover Comparison!

Ahh, cloth diapering. I love it so. It seems crazy, but I really do enjoy using fluff to diaper my daughter. It’s fun, simple, and is saving us boatloads.

Out of the various types of cloth, our favorite combo is the prefold and cover. (If you’d like a rundown of various options, I did an intro to CD you can read here). But just like everything else, different brands have given us varying experiences! Here’s a sampling of the diaper covers out there, with my honest unbiased opinion of each (and of course, photos!). Continue reading

Pumping Gear for Nursing Moms – A Real Simple Guide

I feel like moms who breastfeed have lots of resources online, not least of which is right here on Real Simple Mama. But I think that moms who pump are often left to figure things out on their own. In a topic which is widely experienced but not widely discussed, I’ve created an extensive article about pumping gear for nursing moms.

Let’s talk about the stuff I recommend for pumping… ‘cuz there’s a lot. Continue reading

Different Kinds of Cloth Diapers – A Real Simple Guide

Cloth diapers are amazing. They’re versatile, adorable, comfortable, and economical. But they’re intimidating as hell to new or potential parents, partly because there are so many kinds. While a disposable is pretty basic – what you see is what you get – cloth diapers are a vast industry of options. Here I’ll break down the three main kinds of cloth diapers: the good, the bad, all of my experiences, plus photos! Bonus in summer 2018: look for the complete video tour at the end! Continue reading

Review: Ergobaby Classic Carrier

Babywearing can really be a lifesaver: your child is content, you can get work done with your hands free, they can nap, you can even breastfeed discreetly. It is a win-win-win! But what happens when your baby grows? Sometimes wraps and slings are not as comfortable as your child gets bigger. Or if you do something more active like a hike, a soft carrier is not always as practical.

Cue the ErgoBaby. Continue reading

Review: Diaper Genie vs Dekor Pail Comparison!

As a parent, diaper duty is just one of the things that you have to suffer through. We usually try to do diaper changes as quickly as possible, and get the filthy thing (the diaper, not the baby) into quarantine as soon as we can. But let’s be honest: there’s only so much air freshener you can use. You really should use a diaper pail, and be as civilized as possible while cleaning other people’s bodily fluids.

I’ve got two diaper pails: the Diaper Genie, and the Dekor. I love one, and I hate one. Here’s my honest review in the hopes that you spend your money as wisely as you can! Your nose will thank me. Continue reading

Review: Piperoos Basic Changing Pad

In the real world, us parents are not always in the comfort of our own home. When we take our baby out of our house, it seems like everything becomes ten times more difficult – from diaper changes to feeding to tummy time. If only there was a comfy, portable, easy-to-use product which would make life easier to take Baby on the go.

Oh wait. There is. And it’s called the Piperoo. Continue reading

This Is Why I Baby Wear

As a babywearing mama, I get a lot of different comments from people when I am out and about. Some mention how happy and cozy my baby looks, while others ask questions. It’s a challenge to answer them in a way which really explains and glorifies babywearing like it deserves. There are so many reasons why I enjoy wearing my baby, it would be impossible to explain them all to a complete stranger (although I’ve thought about making a pamphlet that I could just pass out as I walk away).

Here is a very honest list which hopefully will do justice to how wonderful it is to babywear! Continue reading

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