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Tag: research

How to Survive Moving with Kids

If you are moving, and you have a family, it seems like the task is 1000 times more challenging. You’re supposed to pack while taking care of little ones, you have to tour homes and apartments while keeping your kids on a routine. There’s so much thrown at you! We recently moved with two young children, and I took notes of every strategy and tip I could think of so that I could pass on my ideas to my readers. Here are all of my suggestions for how to survive moving with kids. And hey, I have a free downloadable PDF to help you with getting it all done!

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Review: Baby World App

If you have a baby, it’s easy to think of them as a tiny adult: after all, they’re a human being, and they’ll be a grownup eventually. However, a young baby sees the world very differently from their parents. And now there’s an app for that.

I was approached by Appetite for Education about reviewing their new app called Baby World. When Magdalena explained the concept of the app to me, I was intrigued: essentially Baby World shows parents and caregivers the world through a newborn’s eyes. The app emphasizes the baby’s limited vision and limited color scope, and allows you to use visually appropriate flash cards with your baby. There’s even an interactive camera!

Now that I’ve gotten a sneak peek at all that Baby World has to offer, I’ve gotta tell you: you need this app if you have a baby. Continue reading

Why We Bedshare: The Simple Beauty of Cosleeping

Cosleeping is a natural thing, and you see it in cultures all over the world. A lot of families cosleep: it’s what works for them. But I think most parents are ashamed or embarrassed to admit this. Why? There are lots of reasons to bedshare, lots of benefits to all family members, and lots of ways to do it safely. Let’s get rid of the stigma that bedsharing is dangerous or crazy, and teach parents the truth: it can be pretty damn awesome. Continue reading

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