Shh. Yes we bedshare. I know, I know, we are horrible people. It’s not anything new: bedsharing gets a bad rap in the news and media. But honestly, lots of families do it safely. And there has been more than once when it’s gotten us rest when all else has failed. This is nine times that bedsharing saved our sanity. How many of these sound familiar? Continue reading
Tag: room (Page 2 of 2)
I realized the other day that I’ve used a baby monitor daily for three and a half years! And I don’t see myself stopping any time soon. Read on to learn how essential I find these little gadgets, even as a minimalistic AP mom, and why I can’t live without baby monitors. Continue reading
When we were expecting our first kid in 2013, we had put the Snuggle Nest on our registry, thinking “this will be perfect when we go spend the day with friends or relatives!” We had no idea how essential it would be to our daily lives; when we unexpectedly decided to cosleep, we were in the dark (no pun intended). The Snuggle Nest was our peace of mind.