Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: routine (Page 2 of 2)

Getting Tattoos When You Have Kids

Tattoos are fantastic. They’re a beautiful and unique way to express yourself or commemorate a special person or event. Loved ones use ink as artistic therapy, as a timeless reward, and as a way to stand out from the crowd. I got a tattoo when I turned 18 but now I’m a mom, and I’m ready to get some skin art to honor my son. But wait a minute: how do you go about that?! Here’s a real simple guide to getting tattoos… when you have kids. Continue reading

What’s In My Cloth Diaper Stash?

Here at RSM, I love teaching people about cloth diapers: I know they can seem intimidating and confusing, but really they’re a fantastic and frugal way to diaper your little one! But like a lot of things, it’s helpful to see what a real live mom uses in her own home. So here I’ll explain and show you what’s in my cloth diaper stash! (Cue the cheesy game show host calling out “Whaaaaat’s in her diaper staaaaaaash?”) Continue reading

Pumping Doesn’t Have to Suck: Tips for How to Pump Breastmilk

August is National Breastfeeding Month, and we are of course celebrating here at RSM. With over four years’ experience in breastfeeding and pumping, I feel like I should get my own parade! But breastfeeding isn’t always about the beautiful, serene moments where you and your child are locking eyes with mutual adoration. Sometimes it looks like a working mom sitting in a closet with a machine whirring away. Yep, pumping moms are breastfeeding moms, too.

So to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month, I wanted to do an article about pumping breastmilk. Because it can be stressful, time consuming, and isolating (and trust me, my experience was less than stellar). But don’t worry: pumping doesn’t have to suck. Here are some tips for how to pump breastmilk, both from myself and Jennifer Jordan, who’s the Director of Mom and Baby at Aeroflow Breastpumps. Continue reading

A Bedtime Routine for The Breastfeeding, Bedsharing Toddler

There are about one hundred ways to get your toddler ready for bed. And I bet you know them all: from baths to massage to lullabies and stories, everyone has the routine which works for their little one.

But when you breastfeed (which means that you probably nurse to sleep, and also possibly bedshare), your ritual can look quite different. So I thought I’d give some perspective to the parenting posts of the world, and show you what bedtime looks like at our house. Read on for a bedtime routine for a bedsharing toddler. Continue reading

Make Your To-Do List Work for You

It’s a new year, and you want to be more organized! It’s such a great feeling of accomplishment to feel that you’ve “done” something and can cross an item off of your list. But if you’re like me, your to-do list just gets longer and longer (and you get more and more pissed off). I’ve finally tweaked my system and would love to show you how to make your to-do list work for you!

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What I Wish I Would Have Known About Cloth Diapering

Ok, so cloth diapering is fantastic. I honestly enjoy it: it’s fun, cute, easy, and saving me boatloads of money.

But I’ll be honest: there’s a lot to learn. And it seems intimidating as hell. Putting diapers soaked with bodily fluids in your washer, and then back on the butt of your babe, leaves a lot of room for error. I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of all things fluff, but it’s been a long stinky road to get to where I am now.

In plain English, here’s a list of my tips for cloth diapering beginners. I wish I would have known! Continue reading

My Cloth Diaper Wash Routine

I think one of the most terrifying and intimidating aspects of cloth diapering was “oh God how do I wash these things?!” There was no way I was going to use a good ole fashioned washboard and kneel by the freshwater creek in my knickers to scrub pee-soaked fabric. But I had to figure out a solution that would work for our family.

I had nightmares of baby poop smearing over all our work clothes, the utility room forever smelling of pee and regret. I did lots of research and have printed this routine out, proudly displaying it next to the washer. My hope is that it will shine some light into the mystery of “wait, you wash those… where? And with WHAT?!”

New and improved: updated January 2017 with two wash options, one for hard water and one for treated water! Continue reading

Review – Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump

I can still hear that whirring sound sometimes if I think about it… And Simon and Garfunkel singing “Hello darkness my old friend…” I pumped for over a year and a half for my first child; my breast pump was constantly with me. I must have spent hours upon hours with this thing – lugging it everywhere, washing parts multiple times a day, measuring milk… and my son’s life would be vastly different without the nourishment I provided by pumping. Get the scoop on a highly experienced mama’s review of the Medela Pump In Style Advanced Double Electric Breast Pump. Continue reading

Our Daily Schedule – Balancing Two Kids

I had a huge undertaking this past summer when I made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. I had to make up a daily schedule for my toddler and newborn baby, and somehow entertain them (not to mention keep them fed, clean and rested). It’s taken us a little while to settle into a routine, but now it’s awesome! And I promise you, kids need a routine. Check out what we do during the week to stay healthy, clean, rested… and sane. Continue reading

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