Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: toddler (Page 7 of 9)

Why I Love Baby Led Weaning!

I’ve figured out that I’m a combination of a lot of different moms: I’m the super crunchy mom who wants organic everything; I’m the lazy mom who is perpetually wearing yoga pants and the mom bun; I’m the sweet mom who wants to make hand-decorated cookies every week; I’m the strict mom who thrives on consistency and efficiency. Baby led weaning fits beautifully into all of those personas. And my kids are thriving because of it. And I love baby led weaning! Here’s why. Continue reading

Raising Children with Emotional Intelligence

I want my children to grow up with a healthy emotional intelligence. Simply put, I want them to have a healthy range of emotions, know the vernacular so that they can express those feelings, and deal with unpleasant feelings in a safe way. That emotional education begins when they are still quite young and must happen regularly. Let me give you some insight into what’s working beautifully for our family! Continue reading

Teaching My Child with Natural Consequences: The AP Alternative to Punishment

My son is an amazing child: he’s considerate, kind, and sensitive. And I knew early on that I would never spank or hit him. But he’s at an age where we need to have an effective, consistent way to correct him and teach him. I’m here to tell you: attachment parenting does not mean that you let your kids do whatever the hell they want. We have high expectations, we are consistent, and we mean what we say. But how we discipline our kids may look quite different from what you’re used to. We use what’s called “natural consequences.” And let me say, it works beautifully. Continue reading

Life As An Anxious Mom

I have said it before, and I will say it again: any anxiety you have does get exacerbated after you have a child. You can still be a fantastic, joyous parent; but you should know some things up front about living as an anxious mom. Here’s what life is like for me, as well as some tips if you’re an anxious parent too. Continue reading

Review: The ULTIMATE Cloth Diaper Cover Comparison!

Ahh, cloth diapering. I love it so. It seems crazy, but I really do enjoy using fluff to diaper my daughter. It’s fun, simple, and is saving us boatloads.

Out of the various types of cloth, our favorite combo is the prefold and cover. (If you’d like a rundown of various options, I did an intro to CD you can read here). But just like everything else, different brands have given us varying experiences! Here’s a sampling of the diaper covers out there, with my honest unbiased opinion of each (and of course, photos!). Continue reading

Review: Ergobaby Classic Carrier

Babywearing can really be a lifesaver: your child is content, you can get work done with your hands free, they can nap, you can even breastfeed discreetly. It is a win-win-win! But what happens when your baby grows? Sometimes wraps and slings are not as comfortable as your child gets bigger. Or if you do something more active like a hike, a soft carrier is not always as practical.

Cue the ErgoBaby. Continue reading

Play Etiquette for You and Your Child

I’m a mom. And a teacher. So I’m basically a seasoned professional kid watcher. And honestly, I’ve seen some behaviors from parents lately which make me angry and upset. To help spread the word and help you earn some good parent karma, I’ve put together my four biggest tips for you to follow when your child is going to be playing with others.

Whether your child will be in daycare, a Mother’s Day Out program, preschool, or just randomly playing with kids at the park or library, you need to be aware of these things. Your child’s happiness, health, and safety depend on it. Continue reading

What’s Different the Second Time Around: How Life Changes with Baby Number Two

Ain’t it always the way life goes: you finally think that you have everything figured out, and you get a good routine going with your first child… and then Life throws a curveball at your face. That’s what happened to us when we were expecting our second child. My husband and I were so ecstatic to see that positive pregnancy test! But we were shoved out of our comfort zone all over again. In many ways, it felt like being a new parent for the second time.

Now that my hindsight is 20/20, I’d like to tell you about how our lives changed the second time we became parents. Continue reading

Review: Kidloland App for Toddlers!

My kid has had an iPad hand-me-down since he was about one and a half. My husband and I agreed that Kiddo could have limited technology usage, provided that it was educational and interactive. Now our son is three, and we continue to find new and exciting apps to keep him engaged and exploring. We got the Kidloland full app a few months ago, and our son is still entertained. Here’s my honest review of the Kidloland app for toddlers – plus a video of Kiddo playing! Continue reading

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