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Tag: trust

How to Introduce A Dog to Your Chickens

Well how’s that for a niche title, huh? But it’s true – we have backyard chickens, and we adopted a new dog for our family; it took a few weeks of consistent work for us to get her acclimated to our backyard chickens (and them to her!). Here are all of our suggestions of how to introduce a dog to your chickens, including a multi-step video demonstration at the end!

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Why Does My Child Lie? (And How Can I Help?)

Honesty is such a beautiful trait to have, and it’s one of the most important values that I want to instill in my children. And yet we are at the age where my husband and I are beginning to deal with our kids lying. We want to encourage our kids to always tell the truth, and to always come to us with anything, but we also need to know how to deal with lying. Here is what we’ve come up with to answer the question: Why does my child lie? (And how can I help?) Continue reading

How We Treat Meals With Kids At Our House

Mealtime with kids can be fun, or it can be hell. You have a plethora of issues to deal with, from picky eaters to messes. Your kids gotta eat, and you’d like them to grow up somewhat nourished, but sometimes mealtime is not the place for a battle. We have had great luck with some strategies regarding food and our children, and I’m happy to share them with you! Here’s an in-depth, honest look at how we treat meals with kids at our house! Continue reading

Why I’m Letting My Last Child Breastfeed Until She’s Ready to Wean

Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading

For My Mom On Her Birthday

My mother is the most selfless person I have ever met. I don’t understand how she is so effortlessly generous and kind, but I have noticed that the world recognizes it like I do. People flock to her: her smile, her laugh, her sarcastic sense of humor, and her leadership. It’s hard to tell you exactly what my mom has taught me in 30 something years, especially since she was my first teacher.

Now that I’m a mother too, all of these lessons she’s been ingraining in me have even more meaning. For her birthday, I’d like to honor her by passing on some of her most precious messages about motherhood, and life in general. Continue reading

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

How To Talk To Your Kids

Do you have an open relationship with your kids? Do you feel that you have mutual trust and respect? Are you comfortable talking to your kids about anything, and do you feel that they would come to you if they had a problem or a question? Whether you’re just starting out with your young child, or you have a teenager, here are my researched, tried-and-true, usable suggestions for how to talk to your kids. Continue reading

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