Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: wash (Page 2 of 4)

What’s In My Cloth Diaper Stash?

Here at RSM, I love teaching people about cloth diapers: I know they can seem intimidating and confusing, but really they’re a fantastic and frugal way to diaper your little one! But like a lot of things, it’s helpful to see what a real live mom uses in her own home. So here I’ll explain and show you what’s in my cloth diaper stash! (Cue the cheesy game show host calling out “Whaaaaat’s in her diaper staaaaaaash?”) Continue reading

Be Thankful for Free eBooks!

It’s Thanksgiving week! And here at Real Simple Mama, what better way to give back to my parenting community than with free ebooks!

Be Thankful... For Free eBooks! - Real Simple Mama

I’ve made all of my parenting ebooks free to download from November 20-24; that’s right, you can pick and choose one, some, or all of my ebook titles:

  • Real Simple Motherhood: The Fourth Trimester (compilation of most of the other books below)
  • What Do I Really Need for a Baby? A Real Simple Guide to Newborn Gear
  • What Happens to my Baby After Birth? A Real Simple Guide to Newborn Medical Procedures
  • Happy Healthy Baby: A Real Simple Guide to Newborn and Infant Care
  • An Introduction to Healthy Baby Sleep
  • What is Babywearing?
  • Disposables or Cloth?
  • Breastfeeding or Formula?
  • Weaning Your Breastfed, Bedsharing Child

That’s nine ebooks! All for those who are expecting, or who have a baby to care for.

I don’t make any money off of my books this week, even though they’ve taken hundreds of hours to research and compile. These are the books I wish I’d had when I was first pregnant and raising my babies!

So please share this article, or the link to my amazon author page, so that together we can help as many parents as possible! My goal is to make all moms and dads feel encouraged, confident, and educated in everything from newborn care to weaning.

Thank you for your support, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Be Thankful... For Free eBooks! - Real Simple Mama

Pumping Doesn’t Have to Suck: Tips for How to Pump Breastmilk

August is National Breastfeeding Month, and we are of course celebrating here at RSM. With over four years’ experience in breastfeeding and pumping, I feel like I should get my own parade! But breastfeeding isn’t always about the beautiful, serene moments where you and your child are locking eyes with mutual adoration. Sometimes it looks like a working mom sitting in a closet with a machine whirring away. Yep, pumping moms are breastfeeding moms, too.

So to celebrate National Breastfeeding Month, I wanted to do an article about pumping breastmilk. Because it can be stressful, time consuming, and isolating (and trust me, my experience was less than stellar). But don’t worry: pumping doesn’t have to suck. Here are some tips for how to pump breastmilk, both from myself and Jennifer Jordan, who’s the Director of Mom and Baby at Aeroflow Breastpumps. Continue reading

10 Cool Facts About Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are really cool. They save us money and they save the environment. But they’re also pretty weird; I mean, the fluff community has to be kind of crazy to do what we do with other people’s soiled nappies! I’ve been thinking about random cool tips and tricks about cloth diapers, and so I compiled this quick article for all of you learning about (or falling more in love with) cloth diapers. Here are 10 cool facts about cloth diapers. Continue reading

Review: All-In-One Cloth Diaper Comparison!

Cloth diapering is fantastic, especially when you can afford all-in-ones, or AIOs. They’re the most convenient of all the fluff options, but that means that they’re also the most expensive. I’ve gotten some as gifts and I’ve purchased some “more affordable” AIOs from Amazon, and I wanted to give you a fair and honest all-in-one diaper comparison!

Does it really pay to buy a “cheaper” AIO, or are they a waste of money? Continue reading

What I Wish I Would Have Known About Cloth Diapering

Ok, so cloth diapering is fantastic. I honestly enjoy it: it’s fun, cute, easy, and saving me boatloads of money.

But I’ll be honest: there’s a lot to learn. And it seems intimidating as hell. Putting diapers soaked with bodily fluids in your washer, and then back on the butt of your babe, leaves a lot of room for error. I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of all things fluff, but it’s been a long stinky road to get to where I am now.

In plain English, here’s a list of my tips for cloth diapering beginners. I wish I would have known! Continue reading

Review: The ULTIMATE Cloth Diaper Cover Comparison!

Ahh, cloth diapering. I love it so. It seems crazy, but I really do enjoy using fluff to diaper my daughter. It’s fun, simple, and is saving us boatloads.

Out of the various types of cloth, our favorite combo is the prefold and cover. (If you’d like a rundown of various options, I did an intro to CD you can read here). But just like everything else, different brands have given us varying experiences! Here’s a sampling of the diaper covers out there, with my honest unbiased opinion of each (and of course, photos!). Continue reading

Review: AquaNexis Diaper Sprayer

The most common reason that people are leery to cloth diaper is because they do not know what to do about poop. Having someone’s bowel movements swishing around in my washing machine is not exactly my idea of a good time. Luckily for us all, there is the diaper sprayer. I chose the AquaNexis based on its combination of affordability and good reviews. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and I gotta tell you what I think! Check out the demo video at the end, too. Continue reading

Why I Love Cloth Diapering

It seems like only yesterday I viewed cloth diapering as crazy, elitist, and way too damn confusing. Now look at me! – rocking the wash cycle, expertly folding prefolds and covers, and saving money like nobody’s business. And I’m not even a particularly intelligent person! It truly is a hobby and it boasts a learning curve for sure. But I love cloth diapering anyway – and here is why! Continue reading

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