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Tag: youtube (Page 1 of 3)

How to Help Chickens Grow Feathers Back After Molting, Mating, or Bullying

Hi there! I’m Sarah, the Real Simple Mama, and I love chickens. But it’s heartbreaking when one of our feather babies is molting, or has been bullied, or is feather picking. Losing feathers is an annoying, often painful process for our sweet birds. So I’m here to give you some suggestions of how to help your chickens grow feathers back. Read through the article, and check out the YouTube video of the same name, found at the end of the article!

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A Winter Checklist for Backyard Chickens

The winter season is kinda lame. To be honest, I call it the “Season of Waiting” because that’s largely what we do: we wait. Wait for the plants to come alive again, wait for animals to wake up and be active… and if you’re a chicken tender, you’re probably also waiting for eggs! Here’s my winter checklist for backyard chickens (and chicken chores) so that you can be ahead of the game when the weather warms up again.

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The Best Beauty Products, From a Mom Who Doesn’t Know Anything About Beauty

I’m a teacher turned stay at home mom. And while I like to look good and feel confident, I sort of have the feeling that I don’t know what I’m doing. Because I’m totally clueless about all things fashion and beauty. But, little by little, I’ve watched YouTube videos and checked out blogs and wasted hours on Pinterest, and I’m starting to figure out what works for this mama on a budget. Read on for the best beauty products from a mom who doesn’t know anything about beauty.

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Review: Lumpy Cubes by RoosterFin Games

Whether it’s for after dinner, lazy weekend mornings, or for when friends are over, every family should have a stash of fun games to play. Our kids are three and five, and absolutely love all kinds of games! And this is why I was excited to get the opportunity to review Lumpy Cubes, one of the bright original creations by RoosterFin. Check out my honest review of this up-and-coming game company, including a video demo at the end! Continue reading

How to Integrate New Chickens Into Your Backyard Flock

Chickens are amazing creatures, and I’m so glad that we have them! But since they’re like feathered family, the loss of our first chicken hit us all hard. When we were ready, I had to learn how to integrate new chickens into our backyard flock. And now I’m sharing everything I learned, including photos and video, to teach you how to introduce some new fowl friends into your family. Continue reading

Review: Bentgo Kids Lunch Box System

Do you pack a lunch for your kids? This is a task which drains years off of my life, and yet it’s something I gotta do five times a week. With our oldest child heading to kindergarten this year, I asked some veteran mom friends for a lunch box recommendation. Without a doubt, the masses shouted “Bentgo!” So of course we had to try one out. Here’s my honest review of the Bentgo Kids Lunch Box System, complete with photos and a video demo at the end. Continue reading

Holiday Lesson: The Nutcracker Ballet

My toddler adores the Nutcracker Ballet, and who doesn’t? The music is memorable and beautiful, the story is enchanting, and it feels like Christmas can’t come until we’ve watched it at least once. Between my time teaching elementary music and my daughter’s obsession with the ballet, I’ve made a holiday lesson for the Nutcracker based on a professional kid-friendly performance, that you can find on YouTube! Read on for the link, my suggestions to make the ballet a lesson, and a free PDF! Continue reading

Save the Planet With Five Easy Hacks

We all want to save the planet, right? I hope that everyone cares enough about the human race to look at their own lives and say “What can I do to save the earth?” But it can seem depressing and daunting, especially if you’re on a budget. I’m a stay-at-home mom of two little kids and I’ve found that we can save the planet with these five hacks: they’re cheap, easy, and don’t take away from your quality of life. Plus check out my demo video at the end of the article to see the products in action! Continue reading

Review: Pixie Menstrual Cup

I have always wanted to try a menstrual cup. The concept makes sense: save the planet, save some cash, and maybe even help yourself lessen those damn period cramps! But are menstrual cups really beneficial, or are they an awkward and gross alternative to pads and tampons? Check out my honest, unbiased review of the Pixie Cup menstrual cup along with photos, tips, and a demo video (all G-rated, of course). Continue reading

How to Work Out With Kids

Being active is an important thing for everyone, but it’s doubly effective when your children get to see you model a healthy life. Exercising when you have kids is great and all, but it’s not always possible or desirable to dump your children off at a gym daycare, or hire a babysitter so that you can go for a run. But have no fear! It’s totally possible to work out with kids. Here are all of my cheap, easy, effective ideas to help you break a sweat – and a smile – and get your kids involved, too! Continue reading

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