Isn’t it often the simplest things which we find we need the most? I mean, a teething necklace seems like such a no-brainer, and yet I just recently got one. It has made such a difference! When I wake up in the morning I put on my Ellisse necklace by Nixi. I wear it constantly and my daughter loves it. What was originally a thoughtful Christmas present from my sweet husband has turned into one of the top items I use as a stay-at-home mom. Here’s my honest review of the Nixi teething jewelry.
I do have affiliate links for products my family has already paid for.

Nixi Ellisse necklace and Tondo bracelet
My baby girl has gotten accustomed to seeing me with the Nixi necklace since she was about two months old. It’s one of her comforts, not just for gumming in her mouth but also just to hold. Maybe it’s like a safety blanket for her. (Note that I’m wearing it in every photo I ever post, and she’s usually holding it too!) She hasn’t even gotten teeth yet and it’s been so useful.

not too happy with the pediatrician… but she has her Nixi!
If you baby-wear (which I hope you do), having a necklace like this becomes even more paramount. Your kid is literally already right there on your chest, so you’ll get significantly more use out of it!
I get compliments on it too, since it just looks like a unique necklace with a pop of color, and not something my daughter drools on all day. People are shocked when I tell them that it’s functional as well as ornamental! Now I have to decide if I should buy more colors… But I digress.
My super strong baby girl has also been able to pull the necklace off of me a few times, and I looove the snap clasp on the Nixi. It has just enough give that it’ll release when pulled hard, but easily snaps back into place. I feel confident that it won’t randomly fall off.
I also like the shape of the beads on my particular style, called the Ellisse – the four ovals are textured in a way which gives them more detail (and I think a bit more grip for Baby). It’s a nice yet subtle touch.
Buuut this wouldn’t be an honest review if I didn’t tell you what I don’t like. And I have a few complaints.
A minor annoyance is the cord itself – it appears to be a type of string, and is stretching out. I could forgive a minor bit of elongation but mine is pretty noticeable. And obviously these are designed to get wet (drool and regular cleaning), so this is a bit frustrating. I’m not sure why they didn’t use something else instead.
The main complaint is that OUCH my hair is constantly getting caught around the beads! It’s gotten worse as the string has stretched, and even in perpetual messy-bun-mode I have to pull hair off of this thing multiple times a day. It must just be the silicone, but it sucks. (If you have pets or Baby is losing hair, that’ll stick to the beads too, almost like static cling.)

love the texturing of the big necklace beads!
And, if I am still being honest, I will admit that I have the teething bracelet and I do not like it. It is called the Tondo bracelet, and it doesn’t work for me for two reasons: firstly, I feel like the round beads are too big for my daughter to chew on; secondly, the beads are so big that the bracelet gets uncomfortable to wear as I hold my daughter. When I hold her in cradle/cross cradle to nurse, or even on a nursing pillow, I can feel it pushing into my wrist and into her body. I end up taking it off because I feel like it is hurting her. Again, I like the concept, but I don’t ever really wear it. If anything, I just throw it in my diaper bag and hold it for her to chew on while we are out and about.
All in all, I do think the necklace is worth it, especially if you baby wear. I personally am not a fan of the bracelet because I have to take it off too much, and it’s more awkward for my baby to use.
I adore the concept of teething jewelry and hopefully this has helped you see how you might use one day-to-day.
Now if you’re ready for more honest content, check out my review of the Chewbeads teething jewelry too!
And if you’re looking for teethers that your toddler actually wants to use, click to see my super extensive, always honest teether comparison review! Lots of brands, lots of photos, lots of drool.
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