Real. Simple. Parenting.

Author: The Mama (Page 19 of 33)

I'm Sarah, a thirty-something music teacher who now is blessed to stay at home with my two lovebugs. I've been passionate about prenatal care, childbirth, and attachment parenting since my first child was born, and now I aim to help other new parents be as educated as possible! You can also find me as a published author at
You'll see that we've gotten backyard chickens and we adore our feathered girls! I write basic content for new chicken owners to help families see that getting a flock of your own is fantastic and fun, for you and your kids. You'll see my egg-laying girls on my YouTube channel, along with toy reviews and other videos, at

Thanks for stopping by, and email me at if you have any comments or suggestions.

A Bedtime Routine for The Breastfeeding, Bedsharing Toddler

There are about one hundred ways to get your toddler ready for bed. And I bet you know them all: from baths to massage to lullabies and stories, everyone has the routine which works for their little one.

But when you breastfeed (which means that you probably nurse to sleep, and also possibly bedshare), your ritual can look quite different. So I thought I’d give some perspective to the parenting posts of the world, and show you what bedtime looks like at our house. Read on for a bedtime routine for a bedsharing toddler. Continue reading

What’s the Fuss with Amber Teething Necklaces?

Many moms swear by amber teething necklaces for their toddlers, claiming that the amber drastically reduces fussiness and pain associated with teething. Others say that the concept of amber makes no sense and that the jewelry is a waste of money. So what’s the fuss with amber teething necklaces, anyway?

I’ve been secretly dying to get my daughter a teething necklace and I finally did it! Now I’m here to share everything I’ve learned and observed. Continue reading

What I’ve Learned in a Year of Blogging

Well, Real Simple Mama has officially been in existence for over a year! And looking back, I’ve learned quite a lot. I’m the one-and-only person running this website, and I have lots of suggestions for someone just starting out. Here’s what I’ve learned in a year of blogging: tricks and ideas on what to do, what not to do, and a whole lot of other stuff! Continue reading

Review: Baby World App

If you have a baby, it’s easy to think of them as a tiny adult: after all, they’re a human being, and they’ll be a grownup eventually. However, a young baby sees the world very differently from their parents. And now there’s an app for that.

I was approached by Appetite for Education about reviewing their new app called Baby World. When Magdalena explained the concept of the app to me, I was intrigued: essentially Baby World shows parents and caregivers the world through a newborn’s eyes. The app emphasizes the baby’s limited vision and limited color scope, and allows you to use visually appropriate flash cards with your baby. There’s even an interactive camera!

Now that I’ve gotten a sneak peek at all that Baby World has to offer, I’ve gotta tell you: you need this app if you have a baby. Continue reading

My Least Favorite Parenting Advice

If you’re a parent, you know that people can sometimes tell you things which are not helpful at all (and instead, drive you crazy or stress you out). My great friend Marie, who helps parents over at Create Balanced Life, has some words of wisdom on this. Here’s what she has to say about that one annoying thing people tell new parents – her least parenting advice – and what to think about instead. Continue reading

Review: The Ultimate Teether Comparison!

Teething sucks. It’s miserable for both parent and child. When I can tell my baby girl is hurting, one of the things I grab by default is a teether. They’re designed to let your baby gnaw away safely, providing comfort and a welcome distraction from teething pain!

I’ve collected quite a few varying designs and brands of teethers over the last few years and I decided it was time to do a comparison review! Here’s my honest opinion on several teethers of various styles, with photos included! Continue reading

For My Mom On Her Birthday

My mother is the most selfless person I have ever met. I don’t understand how she is so effortlessly generous and kind, but I have noticed that the world recognizes it like I do. People flock to her: her smile, her laugh, her sarcastic sense of humor, and her leadership. It’s hard to tell you exactly what my mom has taught me in 30 something years, especially since she was my first teacher.

Now that I’m a mother too, all of these lessons she’s been ingraining in me have even more meaning. For her birthday, I’d like to honor her by passing on some of her most precious messages about motherhood, and life in general. Continue reading

Self Care for the Busy Mom

I’ve read about a thousand posts about self care for moms. And I always get anxious that taking care of myself means sacrificing quality time with my kids, or time to clean up and get work done. There are so many great ideas out there, but I feel guilty when I think about leaving my toddler crying on the floor so that I can sip my coffee while it’s still hot. I can’t enjoy my alone time with some of these extravagant ideas… and some I just plain can’t afford.

So here’s what I’ve done: I’ve looked at my own life and what works for our little family. I’ve looked at things which make me happy and recharge the batteries of my soul. And I’ve looked at things which are easily doable on a regular basis, when (gasp!) the kids are around. What’s made it into this article are the things which fit every one of those qualifications.

The result? Self care for the busy mom. These tips won’t make you feel like you’re a horrible mother, because your kids won’t suffer. You can take care of yourself while taking care of the kids, too.

Just remember: you can’t serve others when your cup is empty. It’s taken me years to admit this, but it’s true. So take care of yourself and be well, my friend. I’m in the trenches with you, but I’m still smiling! Continue reading

Five Prompts to Help You Tell an Amazing Bedtime Story!

It’s bedtime, and your kids want a bedtime story. You probably know the rest. Or maybe your child is awake again, and you need to get them back to sleep!

When my babies have woken up in the middle of the night, they always want to hear a story to help them relax and fall back asleep. I don’t want to turn on a light and nothing comes to mind. If I don’t start spouting a tale soon, my kid will get agitated.

So I’ve come up with a few prompts to help you get started: my goal here is to help you create your own amazing, imaginative stories for your child! These are the bedtime tales which your kids will remember long after that sleepless night. Continue reading

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