Kids are back to school, the weather is changing… That means that it’s the season to get sick! Everyone is going to start exchanging germs, from teachers to toddlers. Here are my best tips to keep your whole house well by eliminating or minimizing illness. Continue reading
Category: Health/Nutrition/Diet (Page 3 of 3)
This section will include any and all information and research I have done in regards to health, nutrition, and diet. As my kids have gotten older (and I’ve gotten a chance to breathe and sit down for five minutes), I have been able to take more time for me. And a big component of that was my own health, both physical and mental/emotional.
So here I will teach you everything I’ve learned about health in regards to nutrition (both prenatal and postpartum), diet, exercise, and nutrition in general. I’m always learning so thanks for teaching me and being patient with me, and I promise to keep dishing out great high-quality content!
Baby led weaning, or BLW, is a way to introduce solids to your baby. It’s fun, it’s easy, and it’s credited with teaching kids to have healthy eating habits. No picky eaters here! But how exactly do you get started? Continue reading

You Want A Slow Cooker… Trust Me
If you’re a parent and you don’t have a loving relationship with a slow cooker, you’re missing out. Using a slow cooker – and planning my weekly meals – has made a huge difference in how we eat around here. I don’t know what I’d do without my crock pot! Continue reading
It took me having two kids and going to various specialists before I really learned anything about this common postpartum condition. It’s like this taboo thing which is fairly familiar, but I never read anything about it in all of my research. And it’s frankly stupid that moms aren’t made aware of it. Because, frankly, it sucks. Continue reading