Real. Simple. Parenting.

Category: Postpartum

Let me help you have the best postpartum experience and recovery!

Being pregnant is wonderful. And exhausting. And stressful. Hell, you’re making a brand new human being! And once you bring that baby home, not only do you still have to care for this helpless little person, but your body is now like a flabby warzone. Postpartum healing, mentally and emotionally and physically, is draining and difficult to endure.

Real Simple Mama has lots of articles to help you through this uncharted territory. While I do have lots of articles about preparing to bring home your baby, I don’t want to overlook the care that you need after birth.  I’ll recommend items that can help you heal, strategies which have worked for me, and other relevant content.

The goal here is to educate and support you in your postpartum journey. It’s a crazy ride! But the best one of your life.

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

The Double-Edged Sword of Mom Guilt

Unwinding in a fragrant, steaming hot bubble bath. Eating a delicious hot meal slowly and deliberately, savoring every bite and enjoying meaningful conversation. Getting a spa pedicure. Peeing alone. Apparently as a mom, I’m not supposed to want those things. Because if I do it means that I don’t love my kids. Mom guilt is real, and it sucks.

I don’t have anyone to blame for this mentality more than myself. Sure society can be a bit of a jackass sometimes, and make me feel like I should always be overjoyed to be trapped in my home 24/7 with my offspring. I don’t earn an income per se (though let’s not get started on the outrageous daycare savings) and I don’t have a “real job.” I mean, all I do is sit around and watch TV in yoga pants, right?

Cue hysterical laugh. Continue reading

Life As An Anxious Mom

I have said it before, and I will say it again: any anxiety you have does get exacerbated after you have a child. You can still be a fantastic, joyous parent; but you should know some things up front about living as an anxious mom. Here’s what life is like for me, as well as some tips if you’re an anxious parent too. Continue reading

The Most Underrated Items For New Moms

Congratulations! You’re having a baby. How exciting!!!! I’m sure that everyone is flooding your mind’s inbox with tons of ideas and suggestions of stuff you just GOTTA have for you and the baby. While I have my own opinions of those things and what you really do (and don’t) need, this is not that post. I am teaching you what underrated – sometimes random – items you should add to your registry, or get for yourself before your baby arrives. These things are meant to make your life easier so that you can rest and admire that gorgeous little squish you grew! Read on for my list of the most underrated items for new moms! Continue reading

The Biggest Misconception About Parenthood

When you find out that you and your significant other are going to have a baby, the feelings of elation are matched by a thousand questions. You spend hours researching things like feeding and sleep, and daydream about the perfect nursery. But no one really prepares you for the changes which will happen once the baby arrives. No one talks about this big misconception about parenthood, and it kinda sucks.

Namely, saying goodbye to your old life. For good. Continue reading

Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home: An AP Mama’s Experience

Being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, most difficult job I’ve ever had, or will ever have. And yet, I absolutely love it. Not a moment goes by when I think “I wish I was working instead of being home with my babies.” However, going from a working mom (Kid #1) to SAHM (Kid #2) was a challenging transition. Here I describe the good, the bad, and the ugly of both… all from an attachment mom’s perspective. Continue reading

The Perfect Pediatrician

As Isaac and I get closer and closer to meeting our little bundle of joy, we’ve started looking into pediatricians.  There were lots of things I didn’t realize when choosing a doctor for your baby, and lots of questions I wouldn’t have thought to ask!

Below I’ve listed some of the things we’ve found out on our journey, followed by a FREE PDF DOWNLOAD list of questions which you should have with you when interviewing a pediatrician and their office. Continue reading

My First Two Weeks As A Mother

They weren’t lying when they said that parenthood is the most challenging, yet most rewarding, thing that you will ever do.  I felt so prepared to bring my son home and begin nourishing him, providing him with safety and love and guidance.  I had taken all the classes, bought all of the stuff, double checked all of our lists and asked all of our questions.  We were as ready as we could be!… or so we thought. Read on for the real honest account of my first two weeks as a mother.

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