Backyard chickens are so great, aren’t they? But while they live outside, dig holes and poop all over everything, they still need us to help them have a quality life. (And hey, if your backyard flock is providing food for your family, it all comes back to benefit you anyway, right?) So why not look into low-risk, cheap and easy ways to improve their overall health? Read on for a quick article – including the list, of course! – of herbs for your chickens.
I am not a vet. Don’t take anything I say as medical advice.

Thoughts About Adding Herbs For Chickens
- I normally add these herbs in with the chicken feed but you can also add it in their nesting boxes or in their dust bath.
- Try adding one new herb at a time, so that you can note changes or improvements with your flock. (I recommend documenting everything in your Chicken Tender’s Journal.)
- You can also give breaks where your chickens don’t get any herbs at all. You don’t HAVE to do any of these things!
- Everything in balance – while I don’t specifically measure out each herb that I use, I’m mindful that too much can harm the chickens instead of helping them, or affect the taste of the hens’ eggs, etc.
- You can use fresh, dried, powder, etc. when it comes to which form of herbs for your chickens. I prefer fresh leaves or crushed/powdered from the grocery store. Whatever works!
- Can also grow your own! Check out my All Things Green playlist on Youtube for all kinds of ideas on how to propagate plants for free, etc.
- Nutrient absorption
- Cleanliness of the eggs when laid
- People also swear by oregano oil to help prevent respiratory illness but I haven’t tried this consistently.
- Respiratory benefits
- Yolk richness
Cayenne/Red Pepper/Chili Powder
- Kills internal parasites
- Repels mice, rats, squirrels, etc.
- Chickens can’t taste capsaicin
- Antimicrobial
- Antiinflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Kills bacteria and parasites
- Boosts immune system
- Respiratory benefits
- Antioxidant
- Everything in balance – not all at once
- Give “breaks” without the herbs if you want
- Can use fresh, dried, powder, etc.
I love all theses tips that you give but I really need some tips about raising chickens and I have a hen that won’t lay and she s really young