It’s almost Mother’s Day! Or as I like to think of it, “One Day of Credit for a Lifetime of Unappreciation.” Just kidding… kind of. And to celebrate, I have compiled all of my mom-centered articles. Get my recommendations for what to get that selfless mom who never asks for anything; hear about the tough truth of being a working mom and a stay-at-home mom; learn how I battled anxiety as a new mom, and how I’ve learned to trust my maternal instincts. It’s all about us ladies, and how to celebrate mothers, at least for 24 hours. Make the most of it, and have a great Mother’s Day!
These are links to my content so feel free to click around! And at the end of this article, see my “It’s Almost Mother’s Day, Damnit” email that I sent out to my subscribers. Wanna get it on the real? Subscribe here!

I love taking care of myself. But I don’t really care for how the #selfcare movement portrays #momlife. Here’s a rather vulgar, really honest look at self care for moms in 2018, and why I think the stigma kinda sucks.
I’ll say it: Moms need self care more than anyone! Here’s how to recharge your soul in the real world day-to-day.
All women should see a pelvic floor therapist. It was so educational and helpful! Don’t be scared – get the facts and be confident. I’m so glad I finally went, and you will be too!
I love being a stay-at-home mom, but damn are there some tragic ironies about what I do. This article is why I joke about being the Unappreciated.
I’ve been a #working #mom and a #SAHM. Here’s my perspective:
Here are my suggestions for great gifts for a mom who never asks for anything! This is a super popular and very “real” post that’s not about personalized wine glasses and the usual chocolate. Add your ideas (or your requests) in the comments!
Bored while waiting for your kids to get out of school? Take my tips for how to stay sane in the pick-up lane: whether you want to waste time or be productive, there’s something for everyone!
As a former working mom, I’m still new to this SAHM thing. Here’s what I’ve learned – for my kids and for myself. Get my suggestions for stay at home moms here.
What does anxiety look like when you’re a mom of young children? It’s not always panic attacks. Get a real glimpse here and see some suggestions on how to help.
I’m a mom who has anxiety. Meditation is free, easy, and not time consuming. Here’s how it works.
Enjoy my sentimental post about this period… will we have more kids?… and the promises I’m making to myself.
(And the continuation of the last post much later…) We’ve chosen to not have any more kids. And while I see the logic, I write about the emotional side of the finality: No more babies.
Sometimes it feels like us moms never get it right, no matter what we do. I hear you friend. Here, a post all about mom guilt.
What is a mother’s instinct? Basically: Just trust your gut, Mama.
It’s taken me years but I think I finally know what defines the best kind of Mom. See if you agree: What’s the best kind of mom?
This was probably my first real “self care for moms” post, even though it’s a bit angry. I had to learn to take care of me first, five minutes at a time.
I know that the “grown-up coloring” thing seems kind of silly, but as a mom with anxiety and two little kids, I tried it and love it! Here’s what I thought.
This is a meaningful post about faith and #momlife, especially when we feel alone and burdened: Why the Virgin Mary is often my Mama role model.
Tell me what you think about this, Dad: An article written about me as a stay-at-home mom, by my husband.
Happy birthday to my Mommee! Here’s to all badass moms everywhere.
I’ve had a long battle with endometriosis which also caused infertility for a while. Here’s my experience.
I can tell you I wrote this for myself as well as all the other moms out there! These are the promises that all moms should make to themselves.
Every #mama deserves to feel beautiful! Click here to read about real simple beauty for real moms.
Well that should be enough content to contain you for at least a few days. And there’s always more comin’. So I hope that you come back soon! And, hey… Happy Mother’s Day, damnit.

Read below for the snippet from my monthly newsletter, and click here if you’d like to subscribe. One email a month, no bullshit, just real life mom (and woman) stuff.
The school year is winding down, Easter is over and we’ve survived, and it finally feels like spring for good. And if you’re like me, you’re starting to feel this weird combination of guilt and selfishness over the infamous Mother’s Day.
I’m not a fast learner, and my oldest is almost 6 years old (!!!), but this is one thing I’ve learned about being a mom: We parents matter too, damnit.
If I buy myself chocolate or a lip balm or a new bra, I’m not destroying my family. If I decide that I’m picking up lunch for the little and I instead of having leftovers again, we won’t go into financial ruin. If I turn the TV on for the kids for 45 minutes so I can hop on the treadmill, I’m not a negligent mother who’s corrupting my children.
It sounds cheesy, but an empty vessel can’t fill any other until it itself is refilled. If you’re running on empty, you ain’t going to be much use to anyone.
And hey, it’s ok to have those “Bare Mimimum Survival” Days where we don’t wear real clothes and there’s a hell of a lot more than 30 minutes screen time.
So as we get closer to summer, the end of school, and MOTHER’S DAY IN CASE YOU FORGOT, I give you permission to answer that question “What do you want for Mother’s Day?” with an honest-to-God answer. And you are not selfish for answering that question truthfully.
You are a human being. You are a person other than just a mom. And you have value for being you, not just because you’re raising children. You hear me? You have value because you are you.
I can’t wait to be asked that question, because I’m finally believing what I just wrote. I’m valuable, I matter, and I’m loved. For me, it’s new plants or new workout gear, Sonic green tea or local coffee, dark chocolate and handmade crafts.
And a damn long hot shower. By. My. Self.
Wishing you and yours a bee-autiful spring,
The Real Simple Mama
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