Real. Simple. Parenting.

My First Day of Kindergarten

No funny stuff here. Just a sentimental mama going through her oldest child’s first day of kindergarten.

I feel so many emotions: Pride. Sorrow. Anxiety. Happiness. Longing. Worry.

My First Day of Kindergarten - Real Simple Mama

I know that this is one of the biggest transitions we’ve ever faced as a family, and it’ll be a while before this feels easy and natural. My toddler daughter and I are so lost without our silly, sweet boy around. We thought we were ready for this first day of kindergarten, but some things will be a challenge even if you’ve been preparing.

The best thing about this situation, other than feeling that this is what’s best for our son at this point in his life, is that he’s so excited to be going to kinder! He’s been well-equipped by my husband and I, so there are no negative feelings coming from him. Rather, he’s been looking forward to his first day of kindergarten for a long time. And that gives my worrying mama heart some peace.

So to all of you parents who are saying goodbye to your kids this week – especially those who are sending their children to school for the first time – know that you’re not alone. As you nervously watch the clock, wondering how your baby is doing and if they’re having a wonderful time, feeling lost and not knowing what to do with yourself, take a bit of comfort in that I’m right there with you.

I welcome your comments of encouragement and any suggestions you have for how your family handles the first week of school, especially this first day of kindergarten. I’m trying so hard to hold it together! And thank you, as always, for letting me share my silly little life with you all.

Much love,


The Real Simple Mama

My First Day of Kindergarten - Real Simple Mama

If you’d like to see my latest letter to my son – his fifth birthday letter – you can check that out here.

To see our super-extensive list on how we prepared our child for kindergarten, click here.

And for lots of free and easy ideas for homeschool lessons, find my Education content here.


  1. Zooey

    My daughter first school day is coming soon too and we are nervous and excited at the same time. I didn’t think I’d get so emotional about it, but here I am, more stressed than she is! Kids are growing too fast! 😀
    It’s good that you have your little daughter to help you get through the first days, I don’t know what I would do without my squirmy 2 year old boys. One thing is for sure – this is a big change not only for the kiddos, but for parents too.

    • The Mama

      You are exactly right! I hope you and the boys have a great first week as well as your daughter!

      • Zooey

        Thank you and I hope everything will go smoothly for you too! 🙂

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