Teething jewelry has to be one of the greatest parenting inventions since the sippy cup. It is fashionable, inexpensive, and super useful. My husband got me a Bumkins Nixi teething necklace – you can see that review here. But while the concept is fantastic, that particular necklace left a lot to be desired. So I decided to get another one! But what did I think of this one – the Chewbeads Waverly necklace?
I do have affiliate links in this article – if you want to buy something, the price to you does not change. It just means that I get a small percentage. But no brand has influenced me, so I can say whatever the hell I want!
Here is the basic idea: teething jewelry has come to be a fashionable way for your kid to drool all over your stuff, on purpose. But they also have another function – the bright colors and interesting shapes are perfect for a baby or toddler to play with while they are breastfeeding. Consider yourself lucky if you have never had a chain broken, or an earring pulled out, by a kid who had nothing better to mess with.
Both of these brands are made with 100% silicone, which is the perfect combination of squishy and firm. They both have breakaway clasps, and they can both easily be cleaned with soap and water.
Just a reminder: Chewbeads is the Waverly; the Bumkins is the Nixi.
First of all, I like that Chewbeads has a lot more options when it comes to their jewelry. They also seemed to be more focused on just this type of product, instead of making a ton of different things. You can see their main page here, and the Bumkins Nixi main page here.

Chewbeads Waverly (gray) vs Bumkins Nixi (teal)
There are different shaped beads arranged in different styles, and of course there are many different color choices too. The one I have is the gray and pink Waverly, which is comprised of uniform round beads. Other bead shapes which are available include faceted ovals and smaller round beads. Remember that not only are we looking at style for our own sakes, but we are trying to keep our kids interested in something that they can chew on. (As one of my college best friends used to say, “make yourself useful as well as ornamental!”).
There seem to be three main differences between this necklace and the one I have from Bumkins. And in my opinion, all three of them are pluses for the Chewbeads.
Firstly, the Waverly is a different length. This one is shorter at a bit less than 30 inches, while the Nixi is almost 34″. I always felt like my other necklace was too long; especially while baby wearing, it seems like the Nixi would get lost – between Baby and I, or down my shirt into the boob abyss. This one rests at a better height for my daughter to get in her mouth while she is in her wrap. She can still reach it when she is breast-feeding across my lap, and she has pretty short arms. So I do not feel like the additional length on the other one was beneficial at all.
Secondly, the beads feel heavier and more solid on the Waverly. This does make the necklace feel a little bit heavier – I can definitely tell a difference when I am not wearing it. However, I honestly like the feel of it. Overall it feels very sturdy, and the chunkiness helps me feel comfortable with letting my baby handle it. I guess I am just saying that it feels very durable, not fragile or poorly made. The beads have a great density to them, and are not overly squishy. Except for the small hole for the cord, they are quite solid.
Finally – and perhaps most importantly – the way in which this necklace is constructed means… It does not pull your hair! Hallelujah! What a fantastic realization once I had been wearing this for a few days, and realized that I had not been tugging hairs out of it all day long. Looking at the necklace close up, you see that each bead has been tied onto the string. They are not merely strung on the cord to where they can move back-and-forth, like the Nixi. The beads stay perfectly in place, and the lack of wiggle room means that it is impossible for your strands of hair to get caught in between. Even with my long hair up in a ponytail or a messy mom bun, this was a huge complaint with the other necklace. I am so glad that Chewbeads came up with a solution!

the gray Waverly is tied between each bead; the teal Nixi is not, thus catching your hair
Overall, the Chewbeads are a clear winner and an easy favorite over my Nixi. I don’t have any complaints yet, though I have a few thoughts (and it’s only fair for me to tell you all of my thoughts… Remember no brand is paying me to say anything, so I answer to no one, ha!).
The Waverly’s beads are a bit larger than I had expected. I am thinking for the sake of my baby girl’s mouth, which is extra tiny (at seven months old, she’s 13 pounds. Yep.). These beads are a bit difficult for her to get her mouth around, but she still gums them. She does love holding onto it for comfort, even when she falls asleep nursing. She just hasn’t actually begun putting the bead in her mouth, if that makes sense. And I feel it’s because the circumference is a little too much (take that, middle school math vocab!).
In looking at both manufacturers’ websites, it also looks like the Waverly retails at $34.95, while Bumkins sells the Nixi for $24.95. For me personally, that extra $10 is worth it for the better length and for it to never pull my hair (remember that the Chewbeads is tied between each bead, so I’m sure it’s more labor-intensive to make)! But it is nice to know that the Nixi is more affordable, especially if you are uncertain whether or not your child will get a lot of use out of this.

closeup of the clasps
I’m curious about one thing in regards to the Chewbeads necklace too: will the cord stretch out over time? I don’t wash it too often because Tiny doesn’t chew on it too often, but I can guess that the cord will eventually be affected by the exposure to water. Only time will tell if it will stretch and loosen up… Which will make it a bit less “put together,” and also potentially cause it to start catching my hair. If it does, you can be sure that I’ll come back to post an update!
Just to recap, and so you can compare styles, here are each of the manufacturers’ websites:
Overall I’m super happy with my Chewbeads teething necklace. The only question which remains is: which one will I have to buy next?
Let me know about your teething jewelry recommendations below! And check out my article about amber necklaces for Baby and the ultimate teether comparison review, too.
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