I cannot brag enough about this simple, quirky, common sense item! The Milkies Milk-Saver Breast Milk Collector is absolutely ingenious. It will definitely be one of my go-to gift ideas for new moms.

I have affiliate links in this article – these are products I love and use in my home.
I heard about these when I was pregnant, but did not buy one until my daughter was a few weeks old. She is four months old now, and I have stored over 100 ounces of breast milk from this alone. Here’s how it works.

Milk Saver and case
When you breast-feed, both of your breasts will leak milk, even if you are only nursing one baby. Your body goes into full-time milk production once the umbilical cord is cut, but some women leak even before baby is born. It will take six weeks or more for your milk supply to stabilize, and your body will overcompensate in the beginning to make sure that the baby does not go hungry. A lot of women use breast pads inside their bras so that their clothes do not get wet, but that means you are essentially wasting that breastmilk. It will either end up in your washer, or in the trash. (I will be doing a review soon various types of washable and disposable breast pads).
The Milk-Saver ensures that the milk from the unused breast does not get wasted. It is collected in a very simple way. Before nursing, you place your nipple in the round hole of the Milk-Saver and put it in your bra or shirt. It collects the milk that you would end up wearing normally; you can pour it into a bottle or a bag like the
Lansinoh Milk Storage Bag, label it, and put it in the fridge or freezer. Then you can use it to bottle feed your baby, give it to another sibling for added health benefits, donate it to other moms or adoptive parents, use it on cuts or pink eye, or put it in your coffee. Whatever.

Milk-Saver disassembled
If you have never breast-fed, you may not understand how miraculous this is – the expression “don’t cry over spilled milk” does not apply to us nursing mothers, who know that breastmilk is more precious than gold. Every amount you can save is priceless! Especially if it means you do not have to waste time pumping, washing pump parts, etc. I pumped for over a year and a half with my first child so I can tell you how much it sucks. No pun intended.
The Milk-Saver is easy to clean also. The two parts easily snap apart so that you can wash them with soap and water. Then just let them air dry. It comes with a huge carrying case, but I just use the bottom piece which doubles as a stand. I love the Milkies, but not their carrying case.
I honestly wear this thing from morning until night. When baby and I get up in the morning, I put it on the breast that I nursed from last. It helps me remember which side I am due to feed her on next. I keep a breast milk bottle on the counter and empty the Milk-Saver out after every feeding. TheMilk-Saver can hold about an ounce of milk before it needs to be emptied. Over time, it all adds up.
I do have a few minor warnings for you though: if you are wearing a nursing tank or another fairly form-fitting shirt, you will be able to see the Milk-Saver (it’s bulkier than it claims to be). So I normally do not wear it in public – that is what my breast pads are for. The Milk-Saver also seems to lose its shape over time and get more curved, or at least for women with large breasts. (Basically it starts to conform to the shape of the breast so it starts to curve onto itself.) This does not hurt its functionality, except it’s harder for the Milk-Saver to balance in its stand since it’s not as upright.
And finally, from someone who has done this many times… Do not bend over while wearing the Milkies Milk-Saver if you have just nursed. You will end up wearing the milk anyway.
Have you ever used a Milkies Milk-Saver? How did you like it?
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