Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: activity

Diversions For Backyard Chickens

It’s 2022, and backyard chickens need something to do! I know this sounds a bit ridiculous maybe, but it’s true. A flock of chickens will start to bully each other or become otherwise destructive, so if possible you should give them some things to keep them entertained. That’s why I have my Diversions for Backyard Chickens list – this article has all of my best ideas for diversions in the chicken run so everyone stays bright and happy.

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How to Survive Moving with Kids

If you are moving, and you have a family, it seems like the task is 1000 times more challenging. You’re supposed to pack while taking care of little ones, you have to tour homes and apartments while keeping your kids on a routine. There’s so much thrown at you! We recently moved with two young children, and I took notes of every strategy and tip I could think of so that I could pass on my ideas to my readers. Here are all of my suggestions for how to survive moving with kids. And hey, I have a free downloadable PDF to help you with getting it all done!

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Fun Things to Do With Your Toddler

Got a toddler, huh? I bet you’ve heard that “the days are long but the years are short.” Still, that “days are long” part can be tough! My daughter and I had to find some stuff to pass the time once her big brother started kindergarten. And now I pass on my list of fun things to do with your toddler – with a free PDF list included for you to download and print! Continue reading

What to Do When You’re Stuck at Home With Kids

So you’re stuck at home with kids. It sounds like the plot of a horror movie. Maybe the kids are sick. Maybe you’re sick. Maybe the car croaked. Maybe you have to wait all day for a delivery or a service. Maybe you’re broke. Whatever the reason is, you’re stuck at home… with kids. But it doesn’t have to be a miserable nightmare! I’ve put together an extensive list of fun things to do together. So until you’re out of home quarantine, rest easy. I’ve got you taken care of. Continue reading

The Best Toys to Inspire Imagination!

I think almost every parent at some point feels that they have too many toys for their kids. It seems like no matter how much cleaning and reorganizing, selling and donating, threatening and taking-away we do, we end up with multiplying toys.

As our family looks to downsize and simplify, we notice that our kids enjoy their imaginative toys the most. These are the toys which inspire open-ended, creative play. (And as a bonus, they rarely require batteries or make loud noises!) I’ve compiled my kids’ favorites and the smartest buys, so read on for the best toys to inspire imagination – and I hope that they help your family pretend, create, and play together!  Continue reading

Teach A Simple Listening Activity to Your Kids

I’m a music teacher who is now a stay-at-home mom. While my current role is different – I’m at home with my own children instead of a music classroom – I still love teaching age-appropriate music lessons to my kids! I frequently come up with new ideas, and I have a great session you can do with kids as young as two years old. This music lesson is simple and customizable for children preschool age and up, no teaching experience needed! Read on to learn how to do a simple music listening activity with your kids!

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Pre-K Lesson: Story Play

My son is almost four years old, which means I need to get used to calling him a pre-k aged child! My very own preschooler is absorbing all he can about our world, and is reading little by little. My husband and I, as certified teachers, are already looking to develop rigorous and fun lessons to do with our kids as they grow.

With perfect timing, Greg at contacted me about showcasing a quick-and-easy lesson plan to help pre-k kids get excited about reading. I’m proud to show you this simple activity which you can do at home with your preschooler!

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