Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: baby (Page 6 of 14)

Review: The Ultimate Teether Comparison!

Teething sucks. It’s miserable for both parent and child. When I can tell my baby girl is hurting, one of the things I grab by default is a teether. They’re designed to let your baby gnaw away safely, providing comfort and a welcome distraction from teething pain!

I’ve collected quite a few varying designs and brands of teethers over the last few years and I decided it was time to do a comparison review! Here’s my honest opinion on several teethers of various styles, with photos included! Continue reading

Five Prompts to Help You Tell an Amazing Bedtime Story!

It’s bedtime, and your kids want a bedtime story. You probably know the rest. Or maybe your child is awake again, and you need to get them back to sleep!

When my babies have woken up in the middle of the night, they always want to hear a story to help them relax and fall back asleep. I don’t want to turn on a light and nothing comes to mind. If I don’t start spouting a tale soon, my kid will get agitated.

So I’ve come up with a few prompts to help you get started: my goal here is to help you create your own amazing, imaginative stories for your child! These are the bedtime tales which your kids will remember long after that sleepless night. Continue reading

Life with Cystic Fibrosis: A Mother’s Perspective

Like most people, I’d heard of cystic fibrosis (CF) but couldn’t really tell you a lot about it. A dear friend of mine named Stacy has been really influential in teaching my family about CF, since her daughter Elsa has it. I felt very strongly about getting some information out into the world to help more people, especially parents, learn about life with cystic fibrosis from a mother’s perspective. Continue reading

The Best Gear for Baby Led Weaning!

Baby led weaning is a fun, healthy way to give solids to your little one. I’ve practiced BLW with two kids and I adore it! There’s a lot to learn and a lot of gear out there. After three years of baby led weaning under my roof, I’ve finally made a list of the best gear for baby led weaning. This list includes bibs, high chairs, silverware, plates/bowls, cups, and some other fun stuff!

Now I pass it on to you! Continue reading

Review: All-In-One Cloth Diaper Comparison!

Cloth diapering is fantastic, especially when you can afford all-in-ones, or AIOs. They’re the most convenient of all the fluff options, but that means that they’re also the most expensive. I’ve gotten some as gifts and I’ve purchased some “more affordable” AIOs from Amazon, and I wanted to give you a fair and honest all-in-one diaper comparison!

Does it really pay to buy a “cheaper” AIO, or are they a waste of money? Continue reading

Tips for Nursing in Public (NIP)

If you breastfeed, it seems like it would be super simple to leave the house. No bottles, no formula, just put the baby to the boob and let them get it straight from the tap! But I know that paranoid feeling of “But what if they get hungry and I have to feed them… what if someone sees?!” Let me give you some tips for nursing in public comfortably and confidently. Continue reading

What I Wish I Would Have Known About Cloth Diapering

Ok, so cloth diapering is fantastic. I honestly enjoy it: it’s fun, cute, easy, and saving me boatloads of money.

But I’ll be honest: there’s a lot to learn. And it seems intimidating as hell. Putting diapers soaked with bodily fluids in your washer, and then back on the butt of your babe, leaves a lot of room for error. I feel like I’ve gotten the hang of all things fluff, but it’s been a long stinky road to get to where I am now.

In plain English, here’s a list of my tips for cloth diapering beginners. I wish I would have known! Continue reading

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

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