I have a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, severe endometriosis, TMJ, and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. So, yeah, I know pain. I’ve been battling these conditions for years, and I now have an arsenal of things that really make my daily life a lot easier. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to spend a ton of money so you’re not suffering! So here is my list of cheap things to help chronic pain at home. They give me relief and help me live the life I want to live, and my hope is that they will help you too.
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For the most part, I love living in a small house. It keeps our life more simple, and our family closer. And it certainly affects how we raise our kids. From the things I love to the things I loathe, here’s what it’s really like raising kids in a small house.
Continue readingI like to call myself a runner. I’ve been working hard but it’s nearly impossible to go on a run alone when you have two young kids. So my little freeloader gets to lounge in her BabyTrend Expedition jogging stroller while I do all the work! Here’s my honest review of this lifesaving product, complete with lots of photos and a video demo at the end! Continue reading
Oh Baby K’tan how I love thee. This is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS to have for a new baby. I use mine literally hours every day for my baby, and it’s invaluable whether this is your first child or you’re chasing around other ones too! Read on for the ins and outs of the Baby K’tan Original Carrier.
I started to get a lot of sciatic (lower back) pain in the second trimester of my first pregnancy. After talking with my chiropractor and obstetrician, I decided to try a maternity belt. Continue reading

My Second Birth Story: Natural Birth All The Way!
My second child’s birth was so different from my first. I feel like I redeemed myself from what I didn’t like the first time around, and having a midwife instead of a typical OB-in-a-hospital was a game changer. I wrote out my natural birth story originally as a letter to my daughter about her big day! (Proper nouns have been changed to protect privacy.) Warning, it’s a long post and just a teeny bit graphic. But just a teeny bit. Read on if you’d like to see what a real-life natural birth at a birth center can be like! Thanks for sharing my natural birth story with me.