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Tag: chores

A Winter Checklist for Backyard Chickens

The winter season is kinda lame. To be honest, I call it the “Season of Waiting” because that’s largely what we do: we wait. Wait for the plants to come alive again, wait for animals to wake up and be active… and if you’re a chicken tender, you’re probably also waiting for eggs! Here’s my winter checklist for backyard chickens (and chicken chores) so that you can be ahead of the game when the weather warms up again.

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Kids Can Do Chores: Why and How They Should

A hot topic on the internet lately has been the debate of if children should help with chores. I realized with a resounding HELL YES that my kids help with things around the house all the time – as they should! We have a practical, matter-of-fact, real life approach to how kids can help with chores. And now I pass on our system to you. Here’s my opinion – and my advice – on why and how kids can help with chores. Continue reading

Chicken Chores: How to Take Care of Your Backyard Flock

More and more families are jumping onto the bandwagon of having backyard chickens. And it makes perfect sense: chickens are affordable, enjoyable, and productive little pets! But the biggest question I get asked about my feathered girls is “How much work are they to take care of?” So in real simple fashion, here is a breakdown of our usual chicken chores. Look for the video at the end of the article! Continue reading

The Double-Edged Sword of Mom Guilt

Unwinding in a fragrant, steaming hot bubble bath. Eating a delicious hot meal slowly and deliberately, savoring every bite and enjoying meaningful conversation. Getting a spa pedicure. Peeing alone. Apparently as a mom, I’m not supposed to want those things. Because if I do it means that I don’t love my kids. Mom guilt is real, and it sucks.

I don’t have anyone to blame for this mentality more than myself. Sure society can be a bit of a jackass sometimes, and make me feel like I should always be overjoyed to be trapped in my home 24/7 with my offspring. I don’t earn an income per se (though let’s not get started on the outrageous daycare savings) and I don’t have a “real job.” I mean, all I do is sit around and watch TV in yoga pants, right?

Cue hysterical laugh. Continue reading

Our Daily Schedule – Balancing Two Kids

I had a huge undertaking this past summer when I made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom. I had to make up a daily schedule for my toddler and newborn baby, and somehow entertain them (not to mention keep them fed, clean and rested). It’s taken us a little while to settle into a routine, but now it’s awesome! And I promise you, kids need a routine. Check out what we do during the week to stay healthy, clean, rested… and sane. Continue reading

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