Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: class

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Our oldest will be going to kindergarten this fall in a public school! My husband and I are teachers by profession, but this is our first time going through the “school readiness” process as parents. After speaking with teachers, parents, and online sources, we’ve compiled a list of things to do to prepare your child for kindergarten. We’re publishing this information in hopes that we can help other parents, especially if this is your first rodeo with a child going to school! Continue reading

How to Protect My Child From the World: Part Four in a Series of Letters Between Mom Friends

Good morning my dear readers. Today marks the final component in my “Series of Letters Between Mom Friends” segment with the brilliant and honest Marie of Create Balance. We’ve been going back and forth all month discussing some pretty heavy shit, in regards to parenting a child in our society and our world. Please see her eloquent response below in regards to how to protect my child from the world, and some fantastic parenting advice in general. Continue reading

How I Prepared For A Drug-Free Birth

Any healthy woman who has a low risk pregnancy can work towards a drug-free birth if that is what she desires. However, it does take time and effort to prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Additionally, I really do think that all women need to have a mental plan on how they will deal with pain, even if they intend to have pain relief during labor.

I have had a natural birth in a hospital, and one in a birth center. Here are the biggest pieces of advice that I can give to any mother who is curious about pursuing a drug-free birth! Continue reading

Home Buying Tips for Families with Children

We’ve just recently bought a new home after a long and tedious search. While we’ve owned and built homes before, this was still a fresh experience for us – this time, we have two kids to think about, too. And home buying can look quite different when you have children!

Read on for my tips in regards to househunting, and picking the perfect home for your family for years to come! Continue reading

The Top 10 Things to Do Before Baby Arrives

Congratulations – you’re expecting!  What a wonderful feeling.  You’re about to embark on the craziest, and most rewarding, journey of your life.  To help make sure you’re prepared and confident about the arrival of your little one, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 things to do before Baby arrives.

While there will most certainly be changes in your life which need to be made, this list – like all of my material – is designed to help you have the best quality start for your child’s life.  After all, that’s our job as parents, right?

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