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Tag: comfortable

Body Autonomy and Your Kids, with Lindsay Brooks

Has this ever happened to you: a kid barges in your room while you are changing and starts asking you about your own body parts? Perhaps your child takes a bath with a sibling and questions arise about each other’s bodies. When these moments come up with your children, do you freeze a bit or perhaps feel uneasy? What should you tell your kids? What is appropriate for them to know at this age? Let’s look together at how to start the talk about body autonomy with your kids (and why you should).

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Tips for Nursing in Public (NIP)

If you breastfeed, it seems like it would be super simple to leave the house. No bottles, no formula, just put the baby to the boob and let them get it straight from the tap! But I know that paranoid feeling of “But what if they get hungry and I have to feed them… what if someone sees?!” Let me give you some tips for nursing in public comfortably and confidently. Continue reading

A Mama’s Instinct

Us mamas have doubt coming at us from all sides: everyone from our well-meaning mother in law to the old lady at the grocery store fuel that little voice in our heads which constantly says “You’re screwing up your kid.” But I’m here to give you a breath of fresh air, and to remind you that a mama’s instinct is pretty damn amazing. Continue reading

Review: Nursing Bra and Tank Comparison!

Breastfeeding is incredible: it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, and yet I adore it. I’ve been nursing now for over three years, which means I’ve gone through a lot of breastfeeding gear! This article will show you the honest truth about all the various bras and nursing tanks I’ve used over the years. I’ll also give you some general advice if you’ll be in the market for this stuff any time soon. I tell you about comfort, sizing, pricing, and how easy it is to nurse in these damn things. Bonus points if I can easily get my boob out with one hand! Photos included, of course. On we go! Continue reading

Review: Ergobaby Classic Carrier

Babywearing can really be a lifesaver: your child is content, you can get work done with your hands free, they can nap, you can even breastfeed discreetly. It is a win-win-win! But what happens when your baby grows? Sometimes wraps and slings are not as comfortable as your child gets bigger. Or if you do something more active like a hike, a soft carrier is not always as practical.

Cue the ErgoBaby. Continue reading

The Ultimate Hospital Packing List!

As you get closer to your due date, your mind is probably going 100mph with the list of things to take to the hospital.  Ideally, you want this bag ready to go in your car or by the door in case you have an “omg my water broke!” moment, and find yourself and your significant other rushing to Labor and Delivery.

Compiled from friends, websites, apps and hospital lists, here’s what I plan to take with me.  And now I’ll share my ultimate hospital packing list with you! Scroll to the end of the article for the free downloadable PDF! Continue reading

Review: The Infantino Mei Tai, Dad’s Favorite Baby Carrier

As a new dad, I love spending time with my son whenever I can, but I also have so many things to take care of around the house. We have a swing and a bouncer that I could place him in when I’m doing chores or trying to sneak in a meal for myself, but I hate just leaving him in the corner of the room while I do my things. I thought maybe I could try one of those baby carriers so I could have him close to me as I did my work. Luckily, I found the Infantino Mei Tai baby carrier. And I haven’t looked back.

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