I love fruits and vegetables. I love not having to go to the store. I love saving money. And I love helping the planet. Imperfect Produce seems like the perfect solution for my family! But does it make sense? Here’s my honest review – non affiliated so trust that I’m giving the good, the bad, and the imperfect— including lots of photos and a sample order!
Continue readingTag: delivery
It’s recommended that you feed your family multiple times a day. You also probably use toilet paper, soap, and a slew of other household items. But that means that someone (ahem, you) has to do the grocery shopping! We’ve been trying out a few options at our house lately, and I’m here to report back with the pros and cons of grocery curbside, pickup, and delivery. Continue reading
We have all seen the usual lists about “what to do before Baby arrives.” There’s the stock list of things like cleaning the house and assembling the crib; I’m sure you’ve read dozens of those on Pinterest if you’re expecting. And I made my own list after my first baby. But from a mom of two, let me give you the list of unique, obscure, overlooked and totally recommended things you should do before Baby arrives! Continue reading
As you get closer to your due date, your mind is probably going 100mph with the list of things to take to the hospital. Ideally, you want this bag ready to go in your car or by the door in case you have an “omg my water broke!” moment, and find yourself and your significant other rushing to Labor and Delivery.
Compiled from friends, websites, apps and hospital lists, here’s what I plan to take with me. And now I’ll share my ultimate hospital packing list with you! Scroll to the end of the article for the free downloadable PDF! Continue reading

My Second Birth Story: Natural Birth All The Way!
My second child’s birth was so different from my first. I feel like I redeemed myself from what I didn’t like the first time around, and having a midwife instead of a typical OB-in-a-hospital was a game changer. I wrote out my natural birth story originally as a letter to my daughter about her big day! (Proper nouns have been changed to protect privacy.) Warning, it’s a long post and just a teeny bit graphic. But just a teeny bit. Read on if you’d like to see what a real-life natural birth at a birth center can be like! Thanks for sharing my natural birth story with me.