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Tag: endometriosis

Cheap Things to Help Chronic Pain at Home

I have a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, severe endometriosis, TMJ, and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. So, yeah, I know pain. I’ve been battling these conditions for years, and I now have an arsenal of things that really make my daily life a lot easier. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to spend a ton of money so you’re not suffering! So here is my list of cheap things to help chronic pain at home. They give me relief and help me live the life I want to live, and my hope is that they will help you too.

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NuvaRing Birth Control and Endometriosis: My Honest Experience

The NuvaRing is a birth control method which is inserted vaginally, and lasts for 30 days. I used it when I was younger, and am now using it to combat my severe endometriosis. I’m writing this in hopes that it will help women who are in a similar situation. I have been on a regimen of NuvaRing birth control to help minimize my severe endometriosis. This is my review not only of the NuvaRing itself, but how it’s helped my endometriosis.

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Review: Pixie Menstrual Cup

I have always wanted to try a menstrual cup. The concept makes sense: save the planet, save some cash, and maybe even help yourself lessen those damn period cramps! But are menstrual cups really beneficial, or are they an awkward and gross alternative to pads and tampons? Check out my honest, unbiased review of the Pixie Cup menstrual cup along with photos, tips, and a demo video (all G-rated, of course). Continue reading

If I Ever Have Another Baby

I must confess, I want more kids. I’ve always wanted more than two (which is what I have now). But we are at a crossroads, our little family: is another child right for us? Right now my husband and I don’t agree; he’s set on the two we have and being done with it. I, however, have other dreams. I often think of the possibility… if I ever have another baby… what would I want my experience to be like?

One thing this dialogue has made me realize is that if I ever get the chance to have another child, I am not taking a single thing for granted. I know the experience I want to have, both for my baby and for myself. If I ever have another baby, these are my plans and my promises to my future child. Continue reading

Living with Endometriosis and Infertility

Imagine you’ve been praying for the souls of your future children since you were 14. You marry your high school sweetheart and you know you want a house full of kids.

And then you’re told you may never be a mother.

That’s what happened to me. And don’t worry, my story has a happy ending. But I had a long road to walk, often alone, carrying the burdens of emotional and physical pain. My hope is that this article will shine some light into life with endometriosis and infertility, and remind you that when it comes to getting pregnant… Well, it ain’t over till it’s over, sister. Continue reading

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