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Tag: example (Page 1 of 2)

A Day in the Life of a Stay At Home Mom

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation over what a stay at home mom actually does all day. Some people forget that she exists, some think that she just lays around or shops online, and others are happy in their ignorance. I got really tired of being ignored and unappreciated so I thought I’d write down everything I did in a typical school day from when I got up until I went to bed. It’s the painful honest truth: This is what a day in the life of a stay at home mom really looks like. Read and be amazed.

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Mental Strategies That Help With Weight Loss

I’m one of those people you call a “turtle” because I lose weight incredibly slowly. My journey is almost two and a half years long at this point, and while I’m down over 65 pounds, I’m not done yet! Oh yeah, I’m also a stay-at-home mom with two young children. With such a long-term goal, and so much mental and emotional (and physical) work that goes into reaching it, we can get frustrated. Here are some mental strategies that help with weight loss – and trust me, I’ve been there!

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Why Does My Child Lie? (And How Can I Help?)

Honesty is such a beautiful trait to have, and it’s one of the most important values that I want to instill in my children. And yet we are at the age where my husband and I are beginning to deal with our kids lying. We want to encourage our kids to always tell the truth, and to always come to us with anything, but we also need to know how to deal with lying. Here is what we’ve come up with to answer the question: Why does my child lie? (And how can I help?) Continue reading

Three Big Life Lessons I Want to Teach My Kids

There is so much that I want to teach my children. I’m not talking about specific facts, though those certainly have their place. I mean big worldly concepts, abstract things, life lessons that I want to lock into their minds and hearts while I’m still around. In mulling over this the other day, I came up with the three most valuable, most essential concepts that I want to pass on to my children. So here they are for my readers: three big life lessons I am teaching my kids. Continue reading

Why I’m Letting My Last Child Breastfeed Until She’s Ready to Wean

Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading

How Do Your Kids Get Along So Well?

I often get asked “How do your kids get along so well?” My two children are a little over two years apart, and they’re together with me all day every day. Yet they adore each other, watching over each other and exemplifying kindness and compassion. While I don’t pretend to know exactly how this worked out so well, I racked my brain for some ideas that parents can use to help their children get along better with their siblings. Continue reading

How Meditation Calms This Anxious Mom

I am a mom. And I have anxiety. I don’t have a severe enough case that I need to take medications or see a specialist, but by the end of a long day I sometimes feel like I’m wound up and unraveling at the same time. Since my first pregnancy, I sporadically turned to meditation to quiet my mind and relax my body. But a few months ago I began a nightly ritual of stillness and meditation. And it has been miraculous. Here’s exactly how meditation calms this anxious mom.

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A Bedtime Routine for The Breastfeeding, Bedsharing Toddler

There are about one hundred ways to get your toddler ready for bed. And I bet you know them all: from baths to massage to lullabies and stories, everyone has the routine which works for their little one.

But when you breastfeed (which means that you probably nurse to sleep, and also possibly bedshare), your ritual can look quite different. So I thought I’d give some perspective to the parenting posts of the world, and show you what bedtime looks like at our house. Read on for a bedtime routine for a bedsharing toddler. Continue reading

Having the Virgin Mary As My Mama Role Model

I’ve been a Catholic my whole life. One thing which is rather unique to my faith is the importance of the Virgin Mary. Sometimes overlooked in other denominations, Mary was hand-picked to be the Mother of God, and spared from original sin. I always felt close to her when I was growing up; she was so young, and so unaware of everything which would befall her. And yet, her faith persevered.

As a mother, my love and admiration for Mary has only continued to grow. Continue reading

Teaching My Child with Natural Consequences: The AP Alternative to Punishment

My son is an amazing child: he’s considerate, kind, and sensitive. And I knew early on that I would never spank or hit him. But he’s at an age where we need to have an effective, consistent way to correct him and teach him. I’m here to tell you: attachment parenting does not mean that you let your kids do whatever the hell they want. We have high expectations, we are consistent, and we mean what we say. But how we discipline our kids may look quite different from what you’re used to. We use what’s called “natural consequences.” And let me say, it works beautifully. Continue reading

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