Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: family (Page 6 of 7)

The Biggest Misconception About Parenthood

When you find out that you and your significant other are going to have a baby, the feelings of elation are matched by a thousand questions. You spend hours researching things like feeding and sleep, and daydream about the perfect nursery. But no one really prepares you for the changes which will happen once the baby arrives. No one talks about this big misconception about parenthood, and it kinda sucks.

Namely, saying goodbye to your old life. For good. Continue reading

Working Mom vs Stay-At-Home: An AP Mama’s Experience

Being a stay-at-home mom has been the best, most difficult job I’ve ever had, or will ever have. And yet, I absolutely love it. Not a moment goes by when I think “I wish I was working instead of being home with my babies.” However, going from a working mom (Kid #1) to SAHM (Kid #2) was a challenging transition. Here I describe the good, the bad, and the ugly of both… all from an attachment mom’s perspective. Continue reading

What I Hate Most About Children’s Media

I have hated this since before I was even a parent. It was incredulous to me how this could be so accepted and so widespread. Doesn’t anyone get it?! Wake up, people! This is what I hate most about children’s media. And the worst part is that you may not even notice it.

Warning: this is a rant post. But I hope you’ll read with an open mind, because I have a good point damnit. Continue reading

Home Buying Tips for Families with Children

We’ve just recently bought a new home after a long and tedious search. While we’ve owned and built homes before, this was still a fresh experience for us – this time, we have two kids to think about, too. And home buying can look quite different when you have children!

Read on for my tips in regards to househunting, and picking the perfect home for your family for years to come! Continue reading

What You REALLY Need To Do Before Baby Arrives

We have all seen the usual lists about “what to do before Baby arrives.” There’s the stock list of things like cleaning the house and assembling the crib; I’m sure you’ve read dozens of those on Pinterest if you’re expecting. And I made my own list after my first baby. But from a mom of two, let me give you the list of unique, obscure, overlooked and totally recommended things you should do before Baby arrives! Continue reading

I Hope She’s Not My Last Baby

All parents know the feeling of watching their children grow up. Last night my husband and I sat on the couch while the kids slept, looking at photo streams of Kiddo when he was a baby. I was so overcome with pride and sorrow that I was sobbing and laughing. I love him so, and he truly is growing up too fast. I feel a tightening in my heart when I think that I may never be pregnant again. It’s too early to tell, of course; Tiny is only six months old today (OMG wait what? Oh nooo), so we wouldn’t really be actively trying for another year or so. Still, to think that my days of being pregnant are over, makes my heart ache and brings tears to my eyes. I hope she’s not my last, and I’m not ready to accept that she quite likely is my last baby. Continue reading

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