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Tag: fiber

Review: The Ultimate Protein Bar Comparison

Protein is an essential macronutrient for anyone, but particularly someone who is working on building muscle and managing a healthy weight. I’ve been on a weight loss and fitness journey for over two years, and I don’t even want to think about how many protein bars I’ve consumed in that time! As I look for the best flavors, and the best bang for your buck nutrient-wise, I’ve put together a side by side review of tons of brands, complete with a nutrient chart and tons of photos. Read on for the ultimate protein bar comparison!

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Hemorrhoids: Tips and Remedies from a Mom Who’s Tried It All

Maybe they showed up with you birthed your kid. Maybe they showed up after a weekend of partying and eating less-than-smartly. Maybe you didn’t do a damn thing to deserve them. Whatever the case, you’ve got a nasty bout of hemorrhoids. I’m here to tell you about my experience (all G-rated, of course), what I learned from seeing a specialist, and what worked for me. Time to tell that unwanted friend that they’ve overstayed their welcome.

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