Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: five

Five Questions to Ask Your Kids at Bedtime

As our kids get older, bedtime changes. Our four and six year old still share a room and we all do bedtime together, and we’ve recently started having a conversation as we all sit in their bed. My husband and I ask our kids five questions – we help the kids fall asleep full of pride and self love, we learn more about our children, and it’s a great screen-free way for them to get ready for rest! Read on for our prompts of five questions to ask your kids at bedtime.

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Save the Planet With Five Easy Hacks

We all want to save the planet, right? I hope that everyone cares enough about the human race to look at their own lives and say “What can I do to save the earth?” But it can seem depressing and daunting, especially if you’re on a budget. I’m a stay-at-home mom of two little kids and I’ve found that we can save the planet with these five hacks: they’re cheap, easy, and don’t take away from your quality of life. Plus check out my demo video at the end of the article to see the products in action! Continue reading

Five Things to Remember As You Homeschool Your Child

I am not new to teaching, but I am new to homeschooling. My oldest child is four years old and we are working through a kindergarten curriculum together. Now that we have been homeschooling for a few months, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for homeschooling. These are concepts that I try to keep in mind so that we are both successful and happy throughout our lessons! Here are five things to remember when you homeschool your child. Continue reading

5 Things All Businesses Should Do to Help Parents and Families

America needs to step up its game when it comes to taking care of the family. We are a world power and a first-world country, yet there are so many things about being a parent in the US which are ridiculously lacking. While I won’t get into the massive issues which need attention, I have thought of five things that all businesses should do to help parents and families. These are fairly easy to implement and can be done by most stores and restaurants. Let’s all work to make the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave a sanctuary for families, too. Continue reading

Five Minutes for Mom

You know the feeling: the baby is being extra fussy, my toddler is annoying me about something or other, the dog just threw up on the carpet and I just realized we are out of bread AND peanut butter. “That’s it,” I think. “I need five minutes for mom. Right now. Time to pull that card and take care of me.”

Let me show you what I mean, and how it helps. Continue reading

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