Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: health (Page 1 of 2)

Herbs For Your Chickens

Backyard chickens are so great, aren’t they? But while they live outside, dig holes and poop all over everything, they still need us to help them have a quality life. (And hey, if your backyard flock is providing food for your family, it all comes back to benefit you anyway, right?) So why not look into low-risk, cheap and easy ways to improve their overall health? Read on for a quick article – including the list, of course! – of herbs for your chickens.

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Plants in My Chicken Run: The Spring 2021 List

Spring has sprung! And after the Insane Winter Storm of February 2021, I welcome spring this year more than ever. I love my backyard chickens, and I love plants and gardening. As I work to create perfect harmony in my chicken run, I’ve found some hardy perennials and trees that go beautifully with my little flock. Here’s my spring 2021 list of the plants in my chicken run.

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What Can I Plant in My Chicken Run?

I love chickens! And I love plants! But how do you successfully combine the two? No one wants to spend time and money at a nursery only to have their backyard flock consume everything, but we also don’t want our chickens to be in an ugly dirt wasteland (or even worse, get poisoned). In this extensive article, get my suggestions on how to research and pick plants, and keep them in with your chickens! And of course check out the video at the end which shows you what can I plant in my chicken run!

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Why All Women Must See a Pelvic Floor Therapist

I have had two kids and I had been having some increasingly annoying issues. When my doctor recommended a pelvic floor therapist, I was both intrigued and embarrassed. Ladies, that appointment was absolutely fantastic and I’m so glad I went! Here’s all about why all moms – hell, why all women – should see a pelvic floor therapist. Don’t be scared, it’s fascinating and life changing and badass. And hey, there are benefits for all women, whether or not you’ve had kids.

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NuvaRing Birth Control and Endometriosis: My Honest Experience

The NuvaRing is a birth control method which is inserted vaginally, and lasts for 30 days. I used it when I was younger, and am now using it to combat my severe endometriosis. I’m writing this in hopes that it will help women who are in a similar situation. I have been on a regimen of NuvaRing birth control to help minimize my severe endometriosis. This is my review not only of the NuvaRing itself, but how it’s helped my endometriosis.

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Self Care for Moms in 2018

Self care. It’s this term that has become dutiful and hush-hush and exclusive all at the same time. We’re told to practice it regularly, that we deserve it, and that it should be this major production. But I call bullshit. Look, self care for moms in 2018 doesn’t have to be a big fucking deal. It can be practical and routine and boring and cheap and fantastic. It’s just gotta get done. Here’s how. Continue reading

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