Real. Simple. Parenting.

Tag: help (Page 6 of 7)

Write An eBook: How to Get Started

I have eight ebooks currently published on Amazon. It’s been an extremely long, tedious process. But I’ve survived! – and I’m actually looking forward to writing more. I figured that I could offer some free advice to anyone who’s thinking about writing ebooks. Not everything went according to plan, and it often seemed like I’d answer one of my questions only to have three more. But at least now I can share my experience with you! Here are my suggestions for how to write an eBook, and hopefully start making some money! Continue reading

Teaching My Child with Natural Consequences: The AP Alternative to Punishment

My son is an amazing child: he’s considerate, kind, and sensitive. And I knew early on that I would never spank or hit him. But he’s at an age where we need to have an effective, consistent way to correct him and teach him. I’m here to tell you: attachment parenting does not mean that you let your kids do whatever the hell they want. We have high expectations, we are consistent, and we mean what we say. But how we discipline our kids may look quite different from what you’re used to. We use what’s called “natural consequences.” And let me say, it works beautifully. Continue reading

Life As An Anxious Mom

I have said it before, and I will say it again: any anxiety you have does get exacerbated after you have a child. You can still be a fantastic, joyous parent; but you should know some things up front about living as an anxious mom. Here’s what life is like for me, as well as some tips if you’re an anxious parent too. Continue reading

Pumping Gear for Nursing Moms – A Real Simple Guide

I feel like moms who breastfeed have lots of resources online, not least of which is right here on Real Simple Mama. But I think that moms who pump are often left to figure things out on their own. In a topic which is widely experienced but not widely discussed, I’ve created an extensive article about pumping gear for nursing moms.

Let’s talk about the stuff I recommend for pumping… ‘cuz there’s a lot. Continue reading

Different Kinds of Cloth Diapers – A Real Simple Guide

Cloth diapers are amazing. They’re versatile, adorable, comfortable, and economical. But they’re intimidating as hell to new or potential parents, partly because there are so many kinds. While a disposable is pretty basic – what you see is what you get – cloth diapers are a vast industry of options. Here I’ll break down the three main kinds of cloth diapers: the good, the bad, all of my experiences, plus photos! Bonus in summer 2018: look for the complete video tour at the end! Continue reading

Advice For Stay-At-Home Moms

I was a working mom for two years, and am so grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to be a stay at home mom since I had my second child. I had no close friends nor family who were SAHMs and I went into this new job without a clue. It’s been beautiful, stressful, and the best year of my life! My hope is to make your journey into motherhood as seamless as possible. Here are my tips for what to expect, and what to do, so that you and your littles are as happy as can be. Continue reading

The Truth About Tantrums

You can usually tell when one is coming. Electricity is in the air and the ground begins shaking. You can practically hear the sound of sirens in the distance. Or maybe there is no warning, and the storm is upon you in an instant. Your child is having a tantrum. The truth is, all kids go through tantrums. It’s normal and healthy. But that doesn’t make it easy (or fun) for anyone involved. Here is some helpful advice from an AP mama who’s in the trenches, just like you. Continue reading

Living with Endometriosis and Infertility

Imagine you’ve been praying for the souls of your future children since you were 14. You marry your high school sweetheart and you know you want a house full of kids.

And then you’re told you may never be a mother.

That’s what happened to me. And don’t worry, my story has a happy ending. But I had a long road to walk, often alone, carrying the burdens of emotional and physical pain. My hope is that this article will shine some light into life with endometriosis and infertility, and remind you that when it comes to getting pregnant… Well, it ain’t over till it’s over, sister. Continue reading

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