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Tag: homeschool

Holiday Lesson: The Nutcracker Ballet

My toddler adores the Nutcracker Ballet, and who doesn’t? The music is memorable and beautiful, the story is enchanting, and it feels like Christmas can’t come until we’ve watched it at least once. Between my time teaching elementary music and my daughter’s obsession with the ballet, I’ve made a holiday lesson for the Nutcracker based on a professional kid-friendly performance, that you can find on YouTube! Read on for the link, my suggestions to make the ballet a lesson, and a free PDF! Continue reading

Teach the ABCs to Your Toddler – and Have Fun!

I accidentally made up a great way to start teaching your child the ABCs before they’re even three years old. I did some random things with my firstborn that seemed to work beautifully, and now I am doing them intentionally with my second child. While it’s probably not what you’ll read about it in the official literary guides, it’s a simple set of strategies that really click with little minds! Read on to see how to teach the ABCs to your toddler – and have fun! Continue reading

How We Treat Meals With Kids At Our House

Mealtime with kids can be fun, or it can be hell. You have a plethora of issues to deal with, from picky eaters to messes. Your kids gotta eat, and you’d like them to grow up somewhat nourished, but sometimes mealtime is not the place for a battle. We have had great luck with some strategies regarding food and our children, and I’m happy to share them with you! Here’s an in-depth, honest look at how we treat meals with kids at our house! Continue reading

Five Things to Remember As You Homeschool Your Child

I am not new to teaching, but I am new to homeschooling. My oldest child is four years old and we are working through a kindergarten curriculum together. Now that we have been homeschooling for a few months, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for homeschooling. These are concepts that I try to keep in mind so that we are both successful and happy throughout our lessons! Here are five things to remember when you homeschool your child. Continue reading

A Letter to My Son on His Fourth Birthday: Embrace Each Day

Oh my child. A year ago I found myself in the position of writing your annual birthday letter and wondering where in the hell the time had gone. Now you’re turning four. And I feel the time is like sand running through my fingers, no matter how desperately I cling to it.

But instead of dreading the inevitability of you growing up, I am going to choose to be excited for what is to come. I want to embrace each day with you, marvel at everything you learn and do, and be grateful that I am your mother. Continue reading

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