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Tag: hot

A Solar Fan Build for Your Chicken Coop

Well, there you go. You’re here because you’re looking to cool down your chicken coop, right? Especially at night when everyone is roosting with their feathery body heat? Or maybe when they’re laying eggs for your family in a sweltering box? Have no fear, we’ve done the work and put together how to do a solar fan build for your chicken coop… and why you should, too.

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Review: Frogg Togg Chilly Pad

So there’s this thing, called the Frogg Togg Chilly Pad, and I read online that it can help parents stay cool when babywearing. I live in Texas (and it’s H-O-T here, y’all) so I thought I’d try it out! But did it rise to the hype I’d found online? Read on for my honest review, plus a demo video!

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This Is Why I Baby Wear

As a babywearing mama, I get a lot of different comments from people when I am out and about. Some mention how happy and cozy my baby looks, while others ask questions. It’s a challenge to answer them in a way which really explains and glorifies babywearing like it deserves. There are so many reasons why I enjoy wearing my baby, it would be impossible to explain them all to a complete stranger (although I’ve thought about making a pamphlet that I could just pass out as I walk away).

Here is a very honest list which hopefully will do justice to how wonderful it is to babywear! Continue reading

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