There is a lot of confusion and misinformation over what a stay at home mom actually does all day. Some people forget that she exists, some think that she just lays around or shops online, and others are happy in their ignorance. I got really tired of being ignored and unappreciated so I thought I’d write down everything I did in a typical school day from when I got up until I went to bed. It’s the painful honest truth: This is what a day in the life of a stay at home mom really looks like. Read and be amazed.
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I am loving Weight Watchers! As a busy mom who’s on a budget (money wise and time wise), it’s really the only weight loss plan that makes any kind of realistic sense. Though don’t let me call it a diet – it’s a lifestyle! The beauty of WW is that it’s sustainable, even if you’re cooking for little kids and a healthy husband. But if I’m going to make this plan work for life, I gotta have some go-to snacks that satisfy me, and are enjoyable too. Viola! Here is the list of my favorite Weight Watchers snacks: Smart Points-friendly, easy to make, and friggin’ good. Each suggestion includes serving size and Smart Points value, and as always I have tons of photos! Continue reading
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! My children and I are excited about cooler weather, comfy sweaters, cocoa and crackling fires and cookie decorating. This holiday season is made more special by the fact that it will be my son’s first year to really write to Santa. But, like lots of things on the road of parenting, this is a first for both my kid and I. So I’ve put together this post to help parents write a letter to Santa with their child! Enjoy the free PDF download and Merry Christmas! Continue reading
I must confess, I want more kids. I’ve always wanted more than two (which is what I have now). But we are at a crossroads, our little family: is another child right for us? Right now my husband and I don’t agree; he’s set on the two we have and being done with it. I, however, have other dreams. I often think of the possibility… if I ever have another baby… what would I want my experience to be like?
One thing this dialogue has made me realize is that if I ever get the chance to have another child, I am not taking a single thing for granted. I know the experience I want to have, both for my baby and for myself. If I ever have another baby, these are my plans and my promises to my future child. Continue reading
I haven’t always been a stay-at-home mom, or SAHM. When I was pregnant with my first child, all the way until he was two years old, I was a working mom. I did the whole pumping/daycare/packing food/cry at dropoff thing, and I hated it. So when we got pregnant with our second child, I knew I had to make a huge adjustment.
While my husband and I were always in agreement that I should stay at home with the babies, we didn’t really know anyone (except his mom, thirty years ago) who had done it. And it was certainly a transition for our house and our marriage.
That’s why I thought to sit my husband down (after asking nicely, of course) and pick his weary brain. Now he’s the sole breadwinner for our little home, and he’s married to a SAHM. So what’s it really like… from the dad’s perspective? Continue reading

My Second Birth Story: Natural Birth All The Way!
My second child’s birth was so different from my first. I feel like I redeemed myself from what I didn’t like the first time around, and having a midwife instead of a typical OB-in-a-hospital was a game changer. I wrote out my natural birth story originally as a letter to my daughter about her big day! (Proper nouns have been changed to protect privacy.) Warning, it’s a long post and just a teeny bit graphic. But just a teeny bit. Read on if you’d like to see what a real-life natural birth at a birth center can be like! Thanks for sharing my natural birth story with me.
Being a mom is hard. Like, really hard. Worthwhile and joyous and life changing, yes. But hard nonetheless.
Being a dad is hard too, damnit. My husband has been working extra hard lately, and he deserves to know how appreciated and loved he is, so I wanted to write this just in time for Valentines Day. Thanks for reading this letter to my husband.
A little backstory: Babe and I met in high school, I was a freshman and dating his best friend. We were on-again-off-again until we decided that resistance was useless, and married in 2008. Since Kid #1 made his debut, our lives have been a beautiful chaotic swirl. Now we sit surrounded by half-full sippy cups, Hot Wheels being batted around by the cat, and burp cloths on every table.
I still love this man. Hell, I love him more now than ever. And nothing screams “jackpot” more than watching him with our children. He is patient, fair, and already has mastered dad jokes. But we never get time to sit and gaze into each other’s eyes, talking peacefully and admiring one another. So, I want to write him a letter.
Being the father of a baby that isn’t here yet can feel like you’re sitting on the sideline of the most important game of your life. But just because she’s the one doing all the work in actually carrying your future son or daughter, that doesn’t mean your involvement is not important. Sarah is now in her third trimester and I feel more needed than ever. There are so many things that we can do as husbands that will be much appreciated. Here are my quick and easy tips for how we can be involved as dads. Continue reading