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Tag: know

The Best Beauty Products, From a Mom Who Doesn’t Know Anything About Beauty

I’m a teacher turned stay at home mom. And while I like to look good and feel confident, I sort of have the feeling that I don’t know what I’m doing. Because I’m totally clueless about all things fashion and beauty. But, little by little, I’ve watched YouTube videos and checked out blogs and wasted hours on Pinterest, and I’m starting to figure out what works for this mama on a budget. Read on for the best beauty products from a mom who doesn’t know anything about beauty.

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Our Favorite Christmas Books

We try to be a minimalistic family, but not when it comes to books! And Christmas books are no exception. Each year I gather a few more stories to add to our little box of holiday books, and it’s a wonderful feeling to see that box come down with the Christmas decorations every year. My oldest is reading now and my youngest isn’t far behind, so what a perfect time to tell you all about our favorite Christmas books! Read on for our recommendations and please add your own favorites in the comments. Merry Christmas and happy reading!

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Got Twins?

Pregnancy is one of the greatest joys of being a woman. Being able to create and grow a human being is something to be grateful for and proud of. If you believe that fate will only give you what you can handle and you got pregnant with twins, then you are a badass mama! You will need all the information you can gather in order to keep your sanity for this journey called, motherhood. Here’s a quick article with some of the information you should know if you’ll be having twins.  Continue reading

How to Prepare Your Child for Kindergarten

Our oldest will be going to kindergarten this fall in a public school! My husband and I are teachers by profession, but this is our first time going through the “school readiness” process as parents. After speaking with teachers, parents, and online sources, we’ve compiled a list of things to do to prepare your child for kindergarten. We’re publishing this information in hopes that we can help other parents, especially if this is your first rodeo with a child going to school! Continue reading

Life with Autism: A Mother’s Perspective

Autism is a very real condition which affects so many families that you’ve probably heard of it at least once. It’s life changing and eye opening. But not enough people really understand it, or know what it’s like to have a loved one with autism.

I interviewed my friend Brienne who has a son with autism. I wanted to know what their daily life is like, what it was like to get that diagnosis, and what a mom has to say about life with autism. My hope is that we can reach more people so that they understand that having autism does not make you less capable, less lovable, less worthy of love and respect. People with autism are people too, and they deserve to be loved and respected like everyone else! So have hope and be kind, always. Continue reading

How We Treat Meals With Kids At Our House

Mealtime with kids can be fun, or it can be hell. You have a plethora of issues to deal with, from picky eaters to messes. Your kids gotta eat, and you’d like them to grow up somewhat nourished, but sometimes mealtime is not the place for a battle. We have had great luck with some strategies regarding food and our children, and I’m happy to share them with you! Here’s an in-depth, honest look at how we treat meals with kids at our house! Continue reading

Why I’m Letting My Last Child Breastfeed Until She’s Ready to Wean

Breastfeeding is a bittersweet, emotional journey for both Mama and child. I’m currently nursing my second (and last) child, my daughter who is about two years old. And I’m not weaning her: she will continue to nurse until she lets me know she’s ready to wean. A lot of people may not agree nor understand, but I have damn good reasons why I’m letting my child lead the way. I hope that this article will help moms make the right decision for them and their child when it comes to weaning off breastfeeding. Continue reading

Five Things to Remember As You Homeschool Your Child

I am not new to teaching, but I am new to homeschooling. My oldest child is four years old and we are working through a kindergarten curriculum together. Now that we have been homeschooling for a few months, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for homeschooling. These are concepts that I try to keep in mind so that we are both successful and happy throughout our lessons! Here are five things to remember when you homeschool your child. Continue reading

How To Talk To Your Kids

Do you have an open relationship with your kids? Do you feel that you have mutual trust and respect? Are you comfortable talking to your kids about anything, and do you feel that they would come to you if they had a problem or a question? Whether you’re just starting out with your young child, or you have a teenager, here are my researched, tried-and-true, usable suggestions for how to talk to your kids. Continue reading

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