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Tag: listen (Page 1 of 2)

The Best Gear for a Runner

I’m a runner! I’m a runner! I can’t believe it! I’m not particularly fast but hey, I love it. I want more. And there’s been some gear that’s really helped me along the way. Here is my full list of the best gear for a runner. Enjoy my suggestions for gifts for the runner in your life (even if that runner is you), and please add your own suggestions in the comments!

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Go On A Nature Walk With Your Kids!

Let’s get outside! Any time of year is a great time to take your children to a field or park, and go on a nature walk. My children and I bond over these quiet walks, where I teach them and show them all kinds of things about the circle of life. Even if bugs and dirt ain’t your thang, you can still enjoy this activity with your kids! Read on for our family tips on how to go on a nature walk!

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Our Favorite Christmas Books

We try to be a minimalistic family, but not when it comes to books! And Christmas books are no exception. Each year I gather a few more stories to add to our little box of holiday books, and it’s a wonderful feeling to see that box come down with the Christmas decorations every year. My oldest is reading now and my youngest isn’t far behind, so what a perfect time to tell you all about our favorite Christmas books! Read on for our recommendations and please add your own favorites in the comments. Merry Christmas and happy reading!

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Self Care for Moms in 2018

Self care. It’s this term that has become dutiful and hush-hush and exclusive all at the same time. We’re told to practice it regularly, that we deserve it, and that it should be this major production. But I call bullshit. Look, self care for moms in 2018 doesn’t have to be a big fucking deal. It can be practical and routine and boring and cheap and fantastic. It’s just gotta get done. Here’s how. Continue reading

How We Treat Meals With Kids At Our House

Mealtime with kids can be fun, or it can be hell. You have a plethora of issues to deal with, from picky eaters to messes. Your kids gotta eat, and you’d like them to grow up somewhat nourished, but sometimes mealtime is not the place for a battle. We have had great luck with some strategies regarding food and our children, and I’m happy to share them with you! Here’s an in-depth, honest look at how we treat meals with kids at our house! Continue reading

Three Big Life Lessons I Want to Teach My Kids

There is so much that I want to teach my children. I’m not talking about specific facts, though those certainly have their place. I mean big worldly concepts, abstract things, life lessons that I want to lock into their minds and hearts while I’m still around. In mulling over this the other day, I came up with the three most valuable, most essential concepts that I want to pass on to my children. So here they are for my readers: three big life lessons I am teaching my kids. Continue reading

The Best Christmas Music You Don’t Have

It’s the mooost wonderful time of the year! I absolutely adore the Christmas season. It’s like our world gets a bit more grace as it patiently waits for December 25. And of course, as soon as the Thanksgiving dishes are done, I bust out my trusty Christmas playlist and start blasting all of my holiday favorites! Since it is Christmas after all, I thought to tell you about my favorite – and most unusual – musical selections. Read on for the best Christmas music you don’t have. Continue reading

Five Things to Remember As You Homeschool Your Child

I am not new to teaching, but I am new to homeschooling. My oldest child is four years old and we are working through a kindergarten curriculum together. Now that we have been homeschooling for a few months, I thought I’d share some tips and tricks for homeschooling. These are concepts that I try to keep in mind so that we are both successful and happy throughout our lessons! Here are five things to remember when you homeschool your child. Continue reading

How Meditation Calms This Anxious Mom

I am a mom. And I have anxiety. I don’t have a severe enough case that I need to take medications or see a specialist, but by the end of a long day I sometimes feel like I’m wound up and unraveling at the same time. Since my first pregnancy, I sporadically turned to meditation to quiet my mind and relax my body. But a few months ago I began a nightly ritual of stillness and meditation. And it has been miraculous. Here’s exactly how meditation calms this anxious mom.

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Great Music to Listen to With Your Kids… in Every Genre!

I love playing music for my kids! We almost always have some type of music playing in our home and in the car. As a music educator, it’s a passion of mine that my children hear great music from all genres on a regular basis. I truly feel that we are putting our kids at a disadvantage if we limit what they listen to: while kids’ music is just fine, it leaves out so much great repertoire!

So I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite artists by genre, so that you can look into them with your own family. You can tie in various genres to the recipes you’re cooking, books you’re reading, places you’re going… the possibilities are endless! Continue reading

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